01 | to the forgiving north

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It had been weeks since the first dream she had, one that felt so real. Since then she fell asleep every night, which she continued to see the man in the same setting every time.

The man in her dream tried to describe to her how he was confused when he left that night, fizzling away before waking up with no explanation, he didn't hear what she did.
She told him she was gifted a compass, telling her to go north. He tried to decipher what she was telling, though he had no clue. He had no leads on what she was being lead to.

She still hadn't known his name or much about him, other than what happened in the dreams; whenever she tried to ask, he would vanish and the two would awaken. She may not have known much about him, though she found him very interesting as she grew a liking towards him. It's almost as if he was her guardian angel, who came into her life when she had no hope left, with no place to go; giving a direction to save her.

All the traveling she was doing, she was blind of, only knowing to go north. It may have been confusing, though she had a deeprooted feeling this would be the only answer for her.
So she continued everyday, with no question.

She was dirty, her face and clothes covered in grime. There was no luck that she smelled too lovely either. With matted h/c hair, tattered clothing, a jacket laid on her that was desperately handing on by a few threads; she looked like she had seen hell in full form— which she practically had, over the past few years alone.

She had been on her own since she was fifteen when her parents had passed away in a tragic accident. She was now nineteen, almost twenty, completely alone in the wild. Rummaging through various villages before she was either forced to leave, or felt no more value there. Now, she fought for herself as she trudged around many fields, dragging around her cold heart, hoping for a happy ending to her life in such a cruel world.

All of this journey had been worth it as some buildings come into her view, completed with tall black walls. A smile creeps onto her face as she runs quicker than she ever had before. Her steps settling down as she winds up in front of some gates.

There were so many homes, paved pathways leading to every doorstep. It was nicer than she had ever seen; even the villages she stopped by were never this visually pleasant.

Someone had caught eyes on her as she hears a grunted yell from someone with a masculine voice; she wondered for a second if she had found him, though let this thought pass as his voice was much more gentle than the one she had just heard. She turns briskly at this sudden change in the atmosphere.

"Who are you! What are you doing around here, Ive never seen you before?" The man who stood on the opposite side on the gate was tall, with a royal blue coat that sat around his shoulders. His head topped off with fluffy brown, curly hair. His warm, brown eyes judged her decrepit appearance.

"U-uh, I'm y/n  l/n. I've just stumbled across this place, hoping someone could tell me where I am." Her e/c eyes met with his gaze as she frowned her browns gently, assuring him that she meant no harm. Slightly disappointed as his eyes weren't the beautiful emerald green ones; though she was sure they would turn up soon.

It didn't seem as if she was up to anything that could possibly damage his hard work, though with what he had been through, he always had to make sure. "Are you working with Dream?" The man stood in front of her was very smart, very good at reading people's expressions to tell they were lying. He annualized her expression as she answered.

As he has expected, she was only a poor, desperate girl needing a place to stay, possibly a shower as well. Obvious enough that she had no idea who he was at all, looking in her eyes he could tell she hadn't even heard that man's name before. Leading him to wonder what he could use her as in benefits of himself.

"Well, y/n— this is L'manberg," His hands reaching for the lock on the gate behind him.
"We welcome you. I could offer you a shower, and a change of clothes, then maybe talk to you some more about this place— how's that sound?"

She had stepped into the gates, as the man placed his arm on her back, leading her inside the country's barrier. Looking around with wide eyes, perplexed at all the different things they had that were different than everything she had known before.
"Sounds lovely. Though, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"Right, my apologies. I'm Wilbur, Wilbur Soot. The lead general of this establishment."
He announced as he leads her into the van that sat in the middle of the grounds, with his arm placed gently on her lower back.

An outside figure watched this exchange from afar; they couldn't hear the conversation that was had, though this female's figure that approached L'manberg seemed familiar to him.
As if he had seen it before.

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