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        Looking toward the three teenagers, Stilinski questioned, "Are you sure it was her?"

        Scott nodded. "I looked her right in the eyes, and they glowed, just like mine."

        From beside him, Stiles piped in, "It makes sense, Dad."

        "But it wasn't a girl," Stilinski pointed out, still having difficulty believing their theory. "It was a four legged coyote, right?"

        "Well, okay, yes, see that's the part we don't exactly have figured out yet," Stiles added in, Foster quick to cut into the conversation.

        "You guys told me that Peter Hale used to be able to turn into a full on four legged monster like wolf, right?" she questioned, glancing toward Scott and Stiles. She may not have experienced that first hand along with the two boys, but she didn't have a hard time believing that Peter could shift into something just as ugly as his soul is inside.

        Scott nodded in response to her words, adding on, "And if it was a full moon, and she did change while her mom was driving then anything could have happened."

        "Horrible things could have happened," Stiles spoke up, nodding toward his dad. "Ripping, shredding, tearing things," he listed.

        "Which is probably what caused the accident," Scott explained, Foster nodding in agreement. Of course, Stiles continued to feel the need to paint a rather vivid picture. 

        "Think about it Dad, alright," Stiles began, beginning to explain the entire crash step by step. "They're driving, Malia starts to change, she goes out of control, the mom crashes, and everybody dies - "

        "Except for Malia," Scott pointed out.

        "She blames herself, right?" Stiles continued, Foster glancing toward him with raised brows. "She runs off into the woods, and - and eventually becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote."

        Sheriff Stilinski nodded in response to his son's words, musing, "That makes sense." The three teens glanced back and forth from one another, slightly taken aback by how quick he was to agree with them. Although, they were also pleased with it, knowing that it makes their job a lot easier. "In a Chinese folk tale!" And just like that, their grins faded. "Kids, this is - this is insane. I need this kept quiet. The three of you, not a word. I don't want anyone hearing about this, I especially don't want Mister Tate hearing about this."

        Foster took notice of Scott turning his head, his eyes widened almost as though he spotted something in the background. It was almost as though he was seeing something that no one else was, and that vision terrified him.

        Through his eyes, a girl was pressed up against a jagged rock, her blonde hair cascading down it as his body towered over her, his claws out as he prepared to tear her throat out mercilessly. Soon enough, the girl threw her head back, allowing him to catch sight of who it was he was about to kill. 


        The girl let out an ear splitting scream, his werewolf form letting out a low growl before looking up, his eyes glowing a searing red.

        "Scott?" Stilinski questioned, snapping the boy out of the vision. 

        Foster glanced toward him nervously, noticing the panicked expression etched upon his face. In a frenzy, he glanced over toward her, a look of relief flooding his face as he let out a sigh, his hand finding hers before squeezing tightly.

        Her eyebrows were furrowed, trying to decipher what he just saw and why the sight of her seemed to set him into a relief of some sort. Either way, though, the only thing she could do to comfort him was reciprocate the squeeze, holding onto his hand tightly.

Eye of the Hurricane ▸ Scott McCall (2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora