Getting Ready

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It was 9:32. 28 minutes till the party. Shrek had released Steve, but not before he had taken all the things under the mattress. Steve was utterly embarrassed. He couldn't believe that had happened with Shrek-electrical-outlet-senpai and now he definitely wasn't excited to go to the party. He didn't want to face Shrek again after that incident. He didn't mind hanging out with everyone else though, so he figured he should at least look presentable.


Steve dug through the boxes filled with clothes. He pulled out a baby-pink rhinestone halter top with a high-wasted white skirt. It was beautiful. He took off the pink thong and changed into the new outfit. The thong made him feel gross now.

It was time to pick out shoes. He couldn't decide between his diamond boots, or the matching rhinestone heels. He went for the boots, after all, it was sort of a reminder of home and the journeys he had to go through to make those luscious expensive boots. Though he'd gotten word that netherite was the new diamond now. It was sad he hadn't gotten to stay long enough to see the newest thing. He always enjoyed it when his worlds updated.

Now it was time for makeup. Steve hadn't really had much experience with it, but after watching Alex he figured out the gist of it. He wanted to look fancy, but not too fancy to where he looked like a pick me girl. He went with a light blush, mascara, and a sparkly lip gloss. Perfect. He picked up his luxury chest bag, and headed out towards SpongeBob's house.


Steve knocked the rhythm of 'Mine Diamonds', his favorite song, on SpongeBob's door. The door opened and another, unfamiliar, bald man welcomed Steve. He had a luxurious white mustache that gave Steve chills.

"Why hello. You must be Steve. Please, call me Dr. Phil." He opened the door and led Steve through the dark house. "Okay, now stay here!" Dr. Phil walked away, leaving Steve alone in the dark.

"SURPRISE!" The lights flashed on to reveal a diamond themed party. Steve was in heaven. Everyone except Shrek was there including a puppet looking man. On his coat it said, 'Chef PeePee'. Steve was glad Shrek was nowhere to be found.


"Hi, Chef PeePee." Steve said, confused on why the chef seemed to speak in all caps.

Jesus flailed his glowing arms around. "Who's ready to throw a party! I brought wine. It's supposed to be my blood. Isn't that fun?"


Everyone had eventually spread around the house, talking amongst themselves. Steve was overwhelmed by the party and decided to explore SpongeBob's seemingly vast house. He found SpongeBob's alarm-horn-thingy, along with his massive library. It was weird such a simple-minded sponge knew so much about books. Then again, when Steve opened one, it was snail porn.

"I see you've found my collection." SpongeBob said cutely.

"Oh, uhm. I guess I did. Hah..." Steve replied, quickly stuffing the book back into the shelf.

"I have to hide it from Gary. Don't want him getting polluted. 'Ya know, one time he almost caught me watching it on TV. BAHAHAHA!"

"Ahahaha. So, where 'is' Gary?"

"In here silly! He's just hiding. He didn't hear us, don't worry. You see, he's right there!"

A chair turned to face the two, Gary was sitting there with a newspaper. "Mreoww~"

"Woah, Gary!" SpongeBob said embarrassed. "I'll, uh, leave you both to it then."

Steve sat in the chair next to Gary. "H-hello. I'm Steve!"

Gary fluttered his eyelashes. "Meow, mreow~"

Steve suddenly understood what Gary was saying as he slowly slipped onto Steve's lap. Gary was horny and Steve was ready to help Gary with that.


Heeheehee 😏🥵.

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