Alec turns the key between his fingers somewhat indecisively, he seems nervous. I don't know him like this at all. I quickly take his hand, interlock our fingers and squeeze lightly. I want to show him that I am here, that this is what I want.

"Do you trust me?", asks Alec. His eyes fix on an imaginary spot on the grain of the wood in front of him. I nod slightly and Alec looks at me urgently.

"Words Magnus. I want you to say it", he demands and his voice has dropped several octaves. Fuck this is turning me on so much. The blood in my body gathers to the next trip and I swallow dryly.

"Yes. I trust you", I reply quietly. The words come surprisingly easily from my lips and don't feel wrong. On the contrary. It's exactly what I want. I want to trust Alec and give myself fully to him and this game.

"And I trust you. That's the most important thing", he replied, inserting the key into the lock. With a soft click, the door springs open and Alec gently pushes me into the room.

It is beautiful. So is the rest of this impressive mansion. Alec wasn't underplaying. The bed is really big, covered with sheets and linen so brilliantly white and spotless. The sight almost hurts against the contrast of the dark wood. The bed is a true masterpiece of wood and shapes and thus clearly the centrepiece of the room. On the headboard, an intricate carving, shapes, patterns, a large flower in the middle, framed by vines. My gaze continues to roam the room. Long white curtains flank the large window, revealing a view of a large beautiful garden. A chest of drawers made of the same wood as the bed, I'm sure Alec can tell you a lot about its type and texture. The sun is already setting, the clouds are turning orange with a hint of purple. The moon begins to cast its light over the world and with it us. Shadows flit across the room, finding their place for the night, lingering there until the first rays of the new day chase them away again.

"Beautiful, Alec. The hotel is a dream", I say, looking at him for the first time since we entered the room. He smiles slightly and the uncertainty of a moment ago is gone. Back is the glitter and sparkle in his eyes. He is in charge, he decides what happens. We don't have to talk about it. We both know it. It has been like this with every one of our erotic adventures. And I don't intend to deviate from it now.

"Prepare yourself", he says, holding a small box out to me. I nod and lick my lips seductively. Alec growls and quickly I disappear behind the door of what I assume is the bathroom. Muffled, I hear Alec's voice and his request to put my clothes back on after I'm done. So he meant it when he said he wanted to undress me. My heart races at the thought of his hands touching me.

I have never been so nervous and tense when I wanted to make love to a man. I used to just take it. It was sex, lust, satisfaction. A climax, complete ecstasy for the moment and then everyone went their separate ways. I usually never saw the men again and if I did, then only for a blowjob in the toilet of a club or a quick fuck because the pressure was too great. Then Julian came along and there too it was more me who was the driving force. But this time it's different. I am involuntarily married. With a wonderful man whom I appreciate but do not love. And yet there is something deep inside me that tries to chase away all doubts and fears. Unknown feelings and always the question, why him? Why Alec?

Before I leave the bathroom again, I take a deep breath. My hand is already on the trigger. Cold and slick the metal feels, but the cold doesn't manage to get through my heated skin and calm me down. Don't be a coward Magnus. It's only sex. I keep muttering these words softly to myself and finally push the uncertainty to the back of my mind. It's best to put a big box in front of it so that it can't escape. And the sight of Alec literally takes my breath away and I swallow dryly as my gaze falls on the bed.

By now the moon has driven out the sun, it is dark in the world and outside the window the shadow of a tree moves to the light breeze of the wind. Only the soft moonlight illuminates the room, Alec stands in front of the bed and looks at me from greedy eyes. An interplay of light and shadow lies on his body. He wears nothing but his skin and I stare at his chest and the muscles testifying to hard physical labour. His pale skin is radiant and the contrast with his black hair is overwhelming, erotic, sensual and he is so beautiful.

What happened in Vegas - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now