Chapter 45

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"That's answer enough for me", I say, grab Alec's hand and pull him towards the exit. I don't get far, Alec holds me back and looks at me reproachfully.

"First say goodbye Magnus. Then play", he says with a grin. Of course. First goodbye. Or actually I should introduce myself properly first. Since arriving, I've only met a handful of people and the bride and groom, the stars of tonight, were not among them. I look around searchingly and catch sight of a whole row of dancing people. Only now do I realise that the hall is bursting with partygoers who are strangers to me. The atmosphere is boisterous, the alcohol is flowing, the dance floor is packed and one or two people are not sleeping alone tonight. If he sleeps, that is.

Alec, too, stands there somewhat indecisively and looks around searchingly. Suddenly he starts moving and again I stumble after him. This too has somehow become our thing. The thought makes me grin and become careless. Alec stops abruptly and I bump into his back. Apologetically, he turns to me and puts a hand to my cheek.

"Are you okay?", he asks lovingly and I just nod.

"Fine. This is Izzy", he says and his look of concern a moment ago turns to affection. He loves his siblings very much.

"Izzy, this is Magnus", he says, revealing his sister. She beams all over, her fawn eyes shining with joy and happiness. She looks beautiful in that stunning dress and silky shiny black hair. Simon stands next to her. He stiffens imperceptibly and his eyes pass nervously back and forth between Alec and me. Why is Simon so nervous?

"So you're the man who charmed my brother in Vegas", Izzy says, and Simon blushes. What is wrong with him? I just ignore Simon and hold out my hand to Izzy. Immediately she pulls me into a tight hug and I can't help but return it.

"Yes. Enchanted might be right", I reply and hear Alec's sister chuckle. Him too, by the way. I quickly break away from Izzy and look alternately at Simon and his wife.

"I wish you all the happiness in the world. All the best to you guys. You make a beautiful couple."

"So do you", counters Izzy, laughing, and Simon almost chokes on his drink.

Before I can say anything back, I feel Alec's hands on my hips and his body pressing gently but firmly against mine. "I agree." He murmurs in my ear and a chill runs down my spine. Alec has an insanely erotic aura and once again it catches me ice cold.

"Let's go", he says in a rough voice, my body takes control, I shudder and press my lips tightly together to keep from moaning out loud.

"Nice meeting you guys." I say goodbye. But Izzy has other plans.

"Are you leaving already?", she asks, looking at her brother disappointedly.

"We're going", replies Alec. "Where to?" I suspect what is about to happen.

"Away." Izzy winks conspiratorially at Alec and Simon looks sheepishly at the floor. This one is apparently very interesting. He tries to distract himself so as not to have to witness this conversation. With the tip of his shoe he paints some kind of pattern on the wooden floorboards and I wonder what his problem is. His wife knows by now that he was at our Elvis wedding in Vegas. And obviously she doesn't hold it against him, otherwise she would hardly have married him.

"We're leaving Magnus. Have a good evening, you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And remember your room mates", Alec says firmly and grabs my hand. I just manage to wave goodbye. Alec pulls me out of the hall and I can hardly follow. His long legs literally fly across the floor, suddenly he's in quite a hurry.

"Alec not so fast", I say with a grin.

"This is all taking far too long already", he replies. So it's the same game as always. Alec pulls me around, I stumble after him. But this time I am prepared and attentive. We climb the stairs quickly, Alec leads me purposefully to his room. Silently we stand in front of the room door, dark wood, old. It has a beautiful brass handle set with a floral vine pattern above the beautifully designed handle. And as I suspected when I entered the entrance area, the owners of this beautiful hotel attach great importance to high-quality furnishings and the preservation of the old charm. There is no electronic locking system with one of those dull white plastic cards. Alec pulls a small gold-coloured key out of his trouser pocket. I didn't notice Jace handing it back to him. When did this happen?

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