Chapter 10 - Keeping hopes high

Comenzar desde el principio

She felt shy but fought against it. Looking in his eyes, she responded:

"Thank you, Adam! I appreciate your encouragement."

It felt good to be around her again and have her full attention, or what seemed like it.

"So do you have anything to tell me about next Sunday?" She insisted.

"Uh..." He needed to come back to his senses because she looked so desirable in the light of that lobby. "Yeah! We'll sing one of those songs on Sunday!"

"Alright!" She grinned excitedly. "Well, how are you keeping?" She wanted to know, because they had lost touch with each other, and she still cared.

"I'm keeping well." He put his hands into his pockets, shy. "What about you? I heard that Richard was arrested..." He hinted.

"He hasn't been judged yet. But he's in custody!"

"Aren't you eager to know whether he's going to be punished?" He was surprised that Debora was so careless.

"I'm living one day at a time. I don't know..."

Adam interrupted her:

"Do you wanna come over?"

"To your parents'?" She wasn't sure.

He could guess what she was hinting at, but his parents were away for that day and the next, which was very convenient.

"Yes, mum is looking forward to seeing you again. She truly liked you." He half-lied. "Unless you have something else to do..."


"So, you are coming."

She nodded.

"Alright, so I'll give you a ride." He announced. "After you!" He was polite, of course, but he also liked the way she moved in that dress.

"I don't know where your car is, so I suggest you lead the way." She insisted.

He did as told, and they walked to his car. As he drove her, he tried to make conversation just trying to distract himself from the tension building up in the air.

When they entered the duplex, there was just one light up, but that light created a scenario that made them aware of their chemistry. Half-light, nearly evening, alone with someone you are strongly attracted to is a recipe for disaster!

Adam invited her to the open kitchen. She followed him and observed him while he was opening the fridge, browsing through the goods.

"Is there anything you wanna drink?"

Debora was distracted by his look; his ponytail falling to his shoulder; so manly.

"Yes." She replied sometime after.

"I'm more for a glass of rosé!" He giggled. "You?"

"A water would be fine."

She observed him straightening up. He stretched to reach for a bottle of rosé in the wine storage. She wasn't herself, because the slightest moves he made struck her mind for romance; the gallant way he grabbed the bottle and opened it was very attractive and distracting. Fortunately, his parents were home - or so, she was led to think - otherwise she wouldn't know what to expect from that dinner.

"Where are your parents?"

"They aren't home." He forced his blasé tone.

She threw a suspicious glance at him and confronted him:

"Are we by ourselves?"

He gulped his wine and nodded.

"I better go, then." She knew she couldn't resist him if they stayed there any longer.

A Christian RomanceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora