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It's simple, Bang Chan hated kids. They were annoying and noisy. Specially hated kids that weren't raised right. The ones who think they own the place just because.

As much as he did hate kids though, that didn't stop him from responding to an AD online that was paying big money to babysit their son for a month while they went away on business. Chan was in dire need of money and quick. If he wanted to kickstart his music career, he needed money fast.

So he pushed through his pride and took up the babysitting job. He certainly wasn't afraid to knock some heads if they didn't listen as well.

When Chan arrived at the given address, he wasn't surprised by the big house and steel gates that covered it. It was almost a mansion compared to Chan's crummy apartment.

After pushing in the passcode for the gate, they open with a loud noise. Which was great to know incase the kid tried to run away and he would be alert.

Chan pulled up the driveway and got closer to the house. It was amazing how only two people could live in such a big house.

Chan parked his car and got out with his suitcase in hand. Not really knowing what he needed since it was a month long thing.

Chan walked up to the door and knocked on it. Looking around at the big house in shock still.

The door open to a cheery older room as she said, "You must be Bang Chan! Come on in!" She steps aside to let the male in. Chan enters the house and takes off his shoes by the door before looking around the inside. It being much more expensive on the inside then it was the outside.

"I'm Miss. Hwang. Widow if you're wondering." She shuts the door and comes around to face him.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." Chan frowns at the new information.

"It's alright. It's been awhile. Since Hyunjin was a baby." She chuckles.

"I see the widow life is treating you well then." Chan jokes along making her laugh some more.

"Anyways, you have my card for any necessities. Don't try to buy anything that is not needed because I can monitor my card. Thank you, Hyunjin. My number is on the fridge if you need it. You know where everything is and know the basic chores that need to be done. Am I missing anything?" She rambles off the list of things she told him over email.

"Yeah. The child." Chan says making her sigh and run a hand across her face.

"Sorry! I was so worried about everything else that I forgot the main reason you're here!" She says before stepping over to the stairs and calling out Hyunjin's name.

You heard a door open then feet make it's way down the hall towards the stairs. Chan knotted his brows at the sounds he was making. They were heavy footed for a child.

That's when a tall figure in a over size, red, hoodie makes their way down the stairs.

Chan was confuse as the tall figure makes there way to stand next to Miss. Hwang.

"Hyunjin." She nudges him making him look up finally.

Chan almost lost his cool as he seen his face finally. He pulling his hood down to reveal long blonde hair and bright red lipstick on his lips. Headphones being pulled around the neck. Loud music blaring through the headphones as he did.

"Who are you listening too?" Chan tried to break the tension.

"Agust D." He says as he eyes him up and down.

babysitter | hyunchan auWhere stories live. Discover now