Adira let out a small sigh and looked back down at the people and she spotted a couple dancing, a small smile made its way back onto her lips, "I wish I could dance" she muttered quietlly and then looked down at her cold hands. She had been so lost in thought that she forgot where she really was and that she was still with Zeldris.

Zeldris grinned softly and then put his arms on the roof and pushed himself up so that he was standing up next to the girl. He reached his hand out for her to grab with a large grin dancing on his lips. Adira raised her eyebrows as she looked up at him, there was a confused look on her face but then it clicked in her head and a massive grin turned up on her lips as her eyes shone with excitement, "are you sure about this Z, becuase I know for a fact that neither of us can dance" she told him with a grin on her face.

Adira then reached out and grabbed his soft warm hand in  hers and then allowed him to pull her up, she was taller than him but not by much, "Sure neither of us know how to dance and there is a possibility that we may fall off the roof attempting to dance. We can learn to dance, because it would obviously make you happy, and thats all I want" Zeldris told her softly, his cheeks went a deep shade of red as he got flustered, Adira just chuckled softly at the boy she loved so dearly.

"Youre too good to me Z" she whispered out softly to him and then his wings came out from behind him and he flew up a little bit so that he was taller than her, Adira couldnt help but laugh softly at him as he pulled her into him and then wrapped his arms around her waist. Her arms went around his neck and she also let her wings exit her back and the two lifted into the air a bit. The two of them danced in the air, enjoying the embrace from their significant other.

They danced to the music playing below them in the streets, they had goofy grins on their faces as they stared longingly into each others eyes, their wings flapping slowly behind their backs. Zeldris then pulled her right into his chest and burried his face into her neck and she rested her head on his shoulder. All Adiras previous thoughts of the war and killing had left her mind and all she was thinking about was Zeldris and how happy he made her. 

"I love you, so damn much A" Zeldris whispered to her and placed a small kiss on her neck and then he pulled his head away and she lifted her head off his shoulder, he placed a small kiss on the top of her forehead.

"I love you too Z" Adira replied softly and then connected their lips gently.

Adira let out a large yelp as she shot out of bed in fright as she was awoken by a loud groan that left the fox sin of greeds mouth as an empty ale bottle fell off the bedside table and landed on his recently sleeping head. Ban sat up slightly and let a loud yawn escape his lips, Adira looked at him in confusion, he was laying on the floor instead of the bed, he had a large trail of drool sticking to the side of his chin and there was a small puddle of his drool on the ground from where he had been sleeping, "Well Banzy, still a true gentleman I see" Adira told the boy with a grin.

Another large yawn emitted from Bans lips as he grinned up at the girl on the bed who was smirking down at him, "good morning mistress. Hope you had a good sleep" Ban told her and she nodded her head softly, it hadnt been a dream, it was a memory. Adira went to say good morning back to Ban but was cut off from Hawk yelling angirly to them from downstairs, "get out of bed you lazy butts!" Hawk yelled angrily and Ban let out a groan from the loud yelling.

Adira threw the blankets off her body and climbed out of the bed, "You didnt have to sleep on the floor you know Banzy, you could have slept in the bed with me" she told him with a small smile, worried that the boy would have a sore back from sleeping on the cold, hard wooden floor.

"Yeah I know that mistress, but I didnt want to just climb into the bed without you knowing that I was" Ban said as he nodded his head and stood up off the floor, reaching his arms up to the ceiling as he began to stretch. Adira smiled proudly at the boy she had raised and went over to him and stood on her tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before the two of them made their way downstairs.

As Adira walked down the stairs with Ban she couldnt help but worry about how Arthur was doing, it had been a few weeks since she had seen the orange haired boy and she missed him. In camelot, Adira and Arthur were attached at the hip, her and Merlin raised him, while Adira saw Ban as a son, she saw Arthur as a younger brother, the two of them went on missions together and she tought him how to fight while Merlin taught him the basics of growing up.

Once Ban and Adira got down the stairs, they noticed Meliodas, Hawk and Elizabeth crowding around a table which had a map on the middle of it. Ban and Adira wandered over to them, Adira stood between Meliodas and Ban, Meliodas looked up at her and gave her a small smile before going back to talk to Elizabeth, though his body scooted closer to Adira.

"Alright guys, it is time to start heading to the Necropolis!" Meliodas exclaimed excitedly as his finger trialed along the map to a small town, "we will start by looking for King there" Meliodas went to roll up the map but was cut off by Ban, "hold up didnt you say that fatty was six feet under these days?" Ban asked the captain in confusion. He didnt wait for an answer as his long legs wandered over to the bar and he poured himself a drink

Meliodas turned around to look at Ban and so did everyone else, "it is the only lead that we have got at the moment so I think that we might as well go and check it out" meliodas replied with the shrug of his shoulder.

"the city of the dead sounds really scary, what kind of place is it?" Elizabeth asks as she shakes slightly at the thought of visiting the city of the dead

Meliodas turned back to look at the princess and shrugged his shoulders up at her, "honestly I have got no idea, the only thing that I actually know about it is that it exists" Meliodas tells her, "well thats helpful" Adira said playfully as she grinned at Meliodas and then she turned to Elizabeth, "dont worry princess, you have got nothing to worry about, afterall youve got 4 out of 8 of the sins with you"

"And the golden trio of the sins at that," Ban added as he motioned to himself, Meliodas and Adira with a grin. Meliodas nodded his head in agreeance while Adira just rolled her eyes at the childish boys.

"Well look guys, if you ask me it is probably haunted with a spooky name like that" Hawk exclaimed with a chiver, fear clearly radiating from his tone. Adira walked over to the pig and gave him a comforting pat on the back, "no need to fear master, Banzy and I will protect you from all the spooky ghosts" Adira told the pig and this only seemed to make it worse as the pig glared up at her

"there isnt going to be any bugs right?" Diane calls from outside

Wait for me - ZeldrisWhere stories live. Discover now