Chapter 1

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A/N not everything here will be 100% accurate so don't say "OMG GODOFCOMMUNICATING THIS IS SO INCORRECT I HATE YOUR GUTS *INSERT DEATH THREAT*  

Perseus was at the hot springs with his 5 siblings, since they weee primordial they could learn fast and grow up fast. 10 days= to 5 years, "Andrea! No fair you cheated again!" Perseus screamed at his elder sister, they were wrestling in the hot springs to learn fighting techniques. They've excelled in almost everything but, what the 6 elder colossuses really longed for was to live in the mortal world. Their mother Hemera, and their fathers Pontus and Aether told them stories about what's happening down there the Titanomachy, and how Zeus is leading a revolution against the Titans. The colossuses really liked this Zeus dude they wanted to be like him leading a revolution against evil to bring good.

 "I didn't cheat, you never said that we had rules." Andrea responded with a lopsided grin, the other colossuses stayed away from Andrea, she was always so gloomy and sadistic so seeing a grin from her is rare. "I demand a rematch!" Perseus yelled so high that the tides of the oceans started to hit the primordial world. "So eager to get your butt beat already, fine." Andrea unsheathed her dagger of darkness. 

While Perseus unsheathed his sword of light, it was literally a battle against light and darkness. Perseus jabbed at Andrea's abdomen, she dodged with ease and sliced her dagger placing a cut on Perseus' arm. "AH!" Perseus groaned, ichor came out of the cut, however he quickly recovered, Perseus was planning on using a tactic he saw his mother do. Andrea saw his calculating face, so she used her dagger to cut off one of his fingers. She laughed as she did the deed, ichor gushed out Perseus at this point was crying, "ANDREA STOP!" Hope yelled, she ran towards Andrea but she just swatted Hope away making her fly into 3 mountains. 

This made Perseus pissed, you can hurt him but never ever! Hurt Hope,  Perseus saw red which gave him adrenaline he wasn't thinking straight. He charged Andrea,  about to stab her with his sword but Andrea expected this so she dodged out of the way and pushed him onto the floor, putting her dagger at his neck. "Yield?" Perseus grunted, Andrea took this as a sign of victory she got up from the colossus' body and raised her hands like she just won a championship. Perseus knew she was arrogant, but this is a whole new level. "Your weak, I don't understand why mother wants you as king, I should be Queen and rule ALONE!" She hollered, the rest of the 4 colossuses came running to the mountain Perseus and Andrea were fighting in and they looked at them with they're mouth gaping.

"Perseus your hurt!" Lotus ran over to Perseus' arm getting bandages to help him recover, "who did this to you?!" Andrea looked at the holes in the mountains she created when she threw Hope into several mountain. "Our cowardly sister, Andrea she also threw Hope since she tried to help me." Andrea grunted in annoyance, then skeletons came from the ground holding Perseus  down on the floor. Dianthus was afraid of this so he ran away to get his fathers, "mercy Andrea." She didn't give mercy, Lotus tried to attack Andrea but she easily punched her, knocking her out which would keep her like that for a few days. "Give up your title as King Of The Colossus and transmit it to me!" Andrea looked crazy, her hair was messy and her hand was shaking like her body was telling her 'no, no, no stop' "never." She was about to strike me but then there was a bright flash, they're father Aether flashed in blocking the dagger. 

"Daughter, as your punishment for almost fading your sister Hope, you will be turned into a mortal until you destroy the monster hydra or until your humbled." Aether snapped his fingers and Andrea was nowhere to be seen.


Andrea was in the middle of the woods stripped of her powers just a basic mortal now with no powers. But, Aether did at least give her the power of a Demi-Titan, which she's grateful for she didn't actually mean to hurt anyone she just lost control like she was possessed, she didn't actually do it. "Another spawn of Zeus to kill!" Andrea  was confused by this since she's a child of Aether, Pontus, and Hemera not Zeus maybe Aether changed her scent to smell like a child of Zeus? Nonetheless Andrea heard this booming voice, he turned around thoughts rushing through her head. 'What if it's Hyperion?' She turned around and it was someone way worse. "Kronos." She saw the towering male, he was 715 feet and 4 inches tall, he held a scythe and his golden eyes were staring dead at her. 

"You are a pretty one, maybe I shall keep you as a servant to Hyperion, Krios, Koios, or Iapetus." Kronos was stroking his beard thinking, "or you can fight for my side and gain rewards beyond belief." Andrea growled, she heard of the atrocities Kronos committed against people, sure there's no disease or worship for the mortals. But, that doesn't mean this age is golden like he calls it, "no, I won't join you I'll fight you!" The colossus charged at Kronos while he just waved his hand and Andrea was frozen in time. "Such a poor being, I offered her peace but she sides with my idiotic son Zeus." He lifted up his scythe ready to strike Andrea, but there was thunder in the distance and lightning struck in between the scythe. 

"You will not touch her father, are you forgetting our treaty? We offered peace for 5 years and you agreed, but you are the Crooked One." The lightning built into a body, a man, Zeus he rose his lightning bolt and fired it at Kronos. Kronos stumbled back and flashed out to Mount Othrys, breaking the time trap on Andrea, "mortal why are you attacking the Titan Lord when me and my brethren can't even fight him head on?" Zeus wore a chiton and had long black majestic hair, Andrea felt in love by just looking at him.

"M'lord, I wish to serve you, I'll help you with fighting, I'm known to be the best fighter in the lands." Andrea said still bowing, "rise, I'm not a king yet I don't deserve bowing, as for your offer I'll accept."

A/N Yes it's short, why? Because I have a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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