As Kanae , go through the pages looking at the art depicting each demon .

Kanae: These demons look something like out of people's nightmares.

Nero looked at the other objects at his stall, shortly after the same crowd from further down roared loudly.

Nero: What's going on down there ?

Kanae continued reading the book. The merchant looked in the direction Nero was looking in.

Merchant: Ahh , that would be the arena . Swordsmen from all over come to fight there , win money and fame . The usual ...

Nero crossed his arms thinking about what the merchant said.

Nero: What's the usual ? I can understand Money. But fame ? In a world like this , Fame doesn't get you anywhere.

Merchant: That is true , but that fame is what drives people to become legends in their own right . Just as Yamato has chosen you . You became a Legend in your own right .

Nero looked at the crowd after a short while . A smile soon formed on his face .

Nero: Got room for one more ?

The merchant smiled and pulled out a scroll.

Merchant: I can try and pull a few strings .

Nero lowered his arms as grabbed the scroll , filling out the information. Kanae finished reading the book , thus placing it down.

Kanae: I'd like to come and compare notes with you about this book.

Merchant: Of course , you know where to find me .

As Nero finished filling out the scroll , he began making his way towards the arena. Kanae soon followed behind. As they continued walking towards the arena , someone walked past them eating Dumplings.

???(2): These Dumplings are the best !

As she continued walking , a symbol was seen on her hand with the word underneath WRATH. As Nero and Kanae arrived at the Arena , the arena consisted of boards surrounding a pit.

Nero: No way ?! The arena is a PIT?!

Kanae: Yeah , but look at the bottom?!

Nero looked at the bottom , only to find several bodies down there.

Nero: What in the hell did I just sign myself into ?

Kanae: A Death Game ?

After looking at the bodies in the pit , someone in the arena started speaking.

Announcer: It has been one impressive fight after another ! This fighter hasn't killed his opponents , only knocking them out of the arena into the pit!

Nero looked down into the pit , the announcer was right . All those bodies down there were alive.

Nero: Whoever this guy is must be good with a sword?

Announcer :Everyone ! We have one more fight ! This is gonna be a confusing fight , but With Names like these Who CARES ! In this Side of The ARENA , We have our undefeated challenger . NiRo!

Leaning against his sword , which was stabbed in the ground . The man called NiRo held his arm up , forming his hand like a gun pointing up in the air.

Niro: Jackpot!

Announcer smiled as he pointed towards the stands .

Announcer: AND our last challenger , coming in with a merchant suggestion . ONTOP of that he is the one chosen by a legendary weapon ! NERO!

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