A New Member/ Darkness

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< Several Months Later>

Nero has been training Akiko for several months now, she's slowly mastering the art of holding a sword properly and the proper stances . Akiko felt proud of herself knowing that she can help those who would suffer because of both the demons and the cultists . Shinobu did as Nero ordered, granted she didn't like it one bit, and found people to work on the estate . Over the course of the months , they worked on the estate starting with the front gate and working their way towards the back end of the estate. Nero has been on several missions by himself , running into only the demons . Devils appear here and there, as they do Nero tries and writes them down in the dark breathing journal. Shortly after Nero sent in a request for a new nichirin sword, to his surprise a very mad Hotaru arrived with several knives in hand.

<Kocho Estate >

Nero is currently sitting on the roof , cleaning Yamato . As he was cleaning he overhears Shinobu talking to Akiko " Alright seems all those injuries are fully healed . " Akiko smiled knowing the damage done to her by the cultist is gone . However Nero only frowned " The damage on the outside is gone , but scars remain on the inside .. " he thought to himself knowing full well about those kinds of injuries. " as he holds Yamato up , admiring the blade's shine . It says, Nero smiled and sheathed it. " Nero ?" hearing a voice calling his name , he looks down and finds Kanae smiling with her eyes closed, with her hands behind her back. " What's up?" he asked as he jumped down and landed in front of her . She opened her eyes " You have any plans tonight ?" she asked . " No not really , why whats up?" he answers . She pulls from behind her back , a large piece of paper. On it says , < Fireworks Festival > , showing Nero he begins reading " Food , games , attractions, and a tournament along with the fireworks show at the end, come on down . " he reads . Placing his chin in between his index finger and thumb . " A tournament huh ?" he says, catching his interest. " Would you like to go ?" Kanae asked , Nero nodded his head " Sure , besides this tournament sounds interesting . " he said with a smile. She nodded her head " Well then we better get ready . " she says as she turns her attention towards the estate . " Shinobu , Akiko let's start getting ready. " she says as she begins walking towards the house. Shinobu arrived with Akiko , Nero looked at Akiko " Your eyes are two different colors ?" he asked as he placed Yamato down in front of him. " Yes , Shinobu said the same thing she called it a H-h-het-" Akiko said as she tried to pronounce the word. " Heterochromia. " Shinobu pronounces for her " That one yeah . " She says smiling at him.

" Soo one red and one blue , interesting." he says. " Well me and Shinobu , have to run to town to get a couple of things before we leave for the festival. " Kanae said as she put her sword on a nearby shelf. Akiko stepped forward " Can I come with you ?" she asked . Nero placed his hand on her shoulder " I think that would be a good idea. " he said. Shinobu nodded " We're just going to town to pick something up . " She said. Kanae called from the front door as her voice echoed " She can come with , Nero can you stay here please until the laborers leave ?" . Nero nodded " Sure , they should be done here shortly." he replied as he sat down. Kanae, Shinobu and Akiko left shortly after leaving Nero by himself inside the estate. After a few minutes , Nero laid back " Dammit I'm bored .. " he says stretching out . " Hello ?" a voice called out , getting Nero placed Yamato away underneath the estate. As he got up , the voice called out again " Hello is anyone home ?" they said . " Yes, I'm here, hang on . " Nero yells across the estate.

< In town >

Kanae , Shinobu and Akiko were going through stores to find what they needed for the next few days . Kanae looked towards Akiko and Shinobu as they browsed through the food stands. As she did Kanae noticed something in between the crowds. A bald headed figure walking with a small child with a rope tied around her. " Shinobu come with me .. " she said , Shinobu looked at her sister and nodded , she then looked towards Akiko "Akiko stay close okay ?" she said . Akiko nodded as they followed her, over the wooden bridge Kanae stopped the bald headed man " Excuse me . '' Kanae says getting the baldmans attention. The bald man turns around " Pardon me , but why is that child tied up?" she asked " Cause she's covered in fleas and it's to stop her from running away. '' he said. Kanae approached them and kneeled down towards the girl " Hello there, how are you ? My name is Kanae Kocho , what is your name ?" she asked the girl. The girl only stared at her with a blank face, Kanae looked at the girl with concern. "She doesn't have a name alright! She never got one , happy now ? " the man raises his hand towards Kanae " Now go away ." Just as his hand was about to touch Kanae , Shinobu stepped in and smacked his hand away " Please don't touch my sister." she said with a stern look. " What's the deal with you two , if you're so interested in her then buy her !" he yelled , Shinobu looked at her sister then towards Akiko who was right behind her. " Very well then ... " she says as she reaches into her white haori "Is this enough ?" she hurls out money in the air . Catching both the man and everyone else surprised by what she did. While everyone is distracted , she grabbed the rope tied to the girl and both her, the girl, Kanae and Akiko began to run away " Hey get back here !" he yelled . As they ran Shinobu turned around and yelled to the man " You should hurry and pick all that up , there's a strong wind and a hungry crowd . " Kanae with a worried look asked "haha are you sure about this ?" Shinobu turned and looked forward. " Yes . " Kanae turned around and found the man down on the ground picking up the money " We must be going now !" she yelled back towards him . Akiko looked at the girl , " She was next .. " she whispered to herself. " What a commotion ." Kanae said as she turned forward smiling . " So much for shopping ..right ?" Akiko said out loud .

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