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As the fire rage on on her flight deck fire fighters ran around to try and control the fire from spreading it look like the fire not be extinguished soon , but as the talked to decommission her was already being discussed in the navy headquarters , suddenly the ship start moving it own and extinguished the fire that rage on flight deck and the ship headed in to the fog . 

As coastguard rush to intercept the ship but it was no where to be found the fire fighters also disappear but some live to tell the tale that a flouting girl with many tentacles appears and start killing everyone some say that the scream of terror that the firefighters scream can be heard from the city , but the government dismissed this rumor and declared the ship lost at see and the survivors crazy . Many of the navy ship rush out to find the ship at see but to no avail .

But you will find out what happen to Bonhomme Richard the wasp class amphibious assault ship . From the tale that I am to tell what happens the ship that disperse from the faces of earth 

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