The walk home (Aoba Johsai pt.2)

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You found them standing near the gates and rushed over, about to apologize to Daichi for being late, when Kei grabbed your arm and forcibly held you behind him. His intentions became clear when you heard the voice of Seijoh's captain, and Kei's grip on you became bruising.

"Oh it's little miss libero! Good job on receiving that serve, even if it wasn't as strong as usual. You'd be an asset to our girl's team, I'm happy to put in a good word to the captain, she adores me." The majority of the team was harshly glaring at him, but the murderous aura coming off of Kei, Kageyama and Tanaka was palpable. Kei was obvious, you were his baby cousin after all. Even Tanaka's reasoning was pretty apparent to you, he was rather fond of his 'kouhai' after all, and Oikawa mentioning how much a girl adored him didn't help. Kageyama you assumed was just mad to have to deal with Oikawa, they clearly had issues with each other.

When you tuned back in, Oikawa had his hand in Kageyama's face and was talking about how much he wanted to crush him in an official match. Hinata started talking about how much better he was going to get at receiving, but you silently shushed him, ready to make your point.

"Oikawa-san? Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. We're going to crush you."

"That's unfortunate, our uniform would have looked good on you. But make no mistake libero-chan, if you are on Tobio's side, I will destroy you." He made a couple more comments to the rest of the team, but you heard nothing, your brain fixating on the fact he said you would have looked good in his (schools, but still) uniform. Your face was hot enough to cook off of, and you quickly hopped onto the bus and stared out the window, resolutely ignoring everyone as they got on.

Once you were back at school it was dark, and you quickly cleaned up the gym with the rest of the team. Once that was done, you were fully prepared to call your dad, even though he had just had a 12-hour shift, he would kill you if you walked home in the dark by yourself. Luckily for your dad, the rest of the team were walking in the same direction, so after a quick stop at the Sakanoshita store for Tanaka, Kageyama and Hinata, you headed home. Tanaka was talking about Oikawa and his serves, but quickly began questioning Kageyama on why he had come to Karasuno of all places. You took your headphones off, interested in the answer. You understood why he hadn't gone to Aoba Johsai, that would have been way too awkward, but there were so many other good schools, you would know, you'd gotten into several of them.

"I didn't make it into Shiratorizawa." was Kageyama's answer.

"NO WAY!" You weren't quite sure why Tanaka was so shocked, 99% of people would go to Shiratorizawa if they got in, you being unlucky enough to be the exception.

"I didn't get a recommendation for their team, so I took the entrance exam and failed."

"It's extremely hard to get into that school through that test. I'd say almost impossible." Daichi and Suga had come back to join the conversation, and Kei and Yamaguchi caught up and joined in too.

"Or maybe the king doesn't have a head for studies. After all, [Y/N] got in." Kei interjected, and you looked at the ground, not wanting people to know that. He and Yamaguchi continued walking past everyone, both throwing a dismissive 'goodbye' over their shoulder.

"You got into Shiratorizawa?!?!? And decided to come to Karasuno instead?"

"[N/N]-chan! You never told me you were planning to go somewhere else!"

"I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Kei was going here so I had to come as well."

"You didn't go to Shiratorizawa because of Tsukishima??? How did your parents accept that?" Tanaka asked.

"It was my aunt's idea. She thought it didn't make any sense for Kei and I to be in the same year, in the same prefecture, and not at the same school. I love Kei, but I put all that effort into getting into a good school, only to be undermined by the fact I have an older cousin. BY 5 MONTHS." No one spoke, or even moved for a full minute after your exclamation. Hinata interrupted the silence before it could get too awkward.

"Stingyshima is your cousin? Why did you never tell me?" He looked dejected, and you were quick to reassure him.

"He is. I thought I mentioned it honestly. Did none of you question why I called him by his first name?"

"I thought you were dating, but then you called the dumbass by his first name as well, and I gave up on trying to figure it out." In a sudden fit of boldness, you spoke without thinking, glad that it was not very bright so you could hide your blush.

"Most of my friends call me by my first name. So you can call me [Y/N] or [N/N], whichever you prefer." The lack of light made it difficult to tell, but you could have sworn he was blushing.

"Um... yeah, I'd like that. You can call me Tobio? If you want that is!" He was rubbing the back of his head nervously, and you smiled at him and agreed.

"I'd like that Tobio-kun." Conversation over, you both rejoined the rest of the team's discussion, Kageyama immediately joining Tanaka at teasing Hinata.

"Our team is still lacking, and in a lot of ways. We won today, but barely."

"I'll practice myself crazy!"

"That's always important, but what we really need is a couple more players."

"I agree. We need a natural libero, no offense [Y/N]-chan, you're pretty good, but you clearly want to spike." You waved it off, knowing he was telling the truth, not to mention you weren't nearly as compact as most liberos. "We also need an ace spiker, who can get through triple blocks."


"Shoyo, you're the decoy remember?"

"The guardian of Karasuno will be coming back soon. He's our libero."

"So... this libero, where has he been?"

"He got a week of suspension, and was banned from all club activity for a month."

"Do you mean Noya-senpai??? He's been training in the girl's gym."

"Has he really? I wish I'd thought of that! He's a really nice guy though! He's just... overzealous sometimes."

You reached the intersection where you, Hinata and Kageyama had to turn off, and waved goodbye to the rest of the team. Kageyama left first, and once you reached your house, you waved Hinata off, watching in amazement as he cycled up the huge hill. You unlocked the door, greeting your stepmother and father as you took off your shoes. After a quick dinner, you went upstairs to study for a bit before watching Netflix until you got told to turn off your light.

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