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"She's beautiful." Gaea and Tartarus said, they took the baby gently from Hemera, "if only she wasn't a daughter of Zeus." Gaea grumbled, but Hemera and Tartarus just shushed her, "she isn't  only the child of Zeus, she's the daughter of me, Aether, and Pontus." Gaea sighed like she heard this a million times. 

"What's her name?" Ouranos asked with an questioning look on his face calculating what type of girl she would be when she grew up. "Hope, since she's destined to be the colossus(the new race of gods) of life, hope, agriculture, fertility, harvest, fire, and natural beauty."

 "She's going to be a heartbreaker, who knows I might court her when she's of immortal age!" Eros said looking up and down at the gurgling baby. 

"Another one is coming out!" Hemera pushed, and a brown haired boy was born, he was ripped for a child, even for immortals. "What the Tartarus!" Aether yelled, Tartarus chided him for using his name as a curse. 

"His name shall be Dianthus, colossus of combat, intellect, physical beauty, skies, lightning, thunder, and air." The baby gurgled as he was read his domains then was left to breastfeed on Gaea.

Gaea yelped as Dianthus bit too hard, he gave Gaea a cheeky smile, "Damn you, you little overgrown sprout." Gaea scrunched up her biggest glare, but Tartarus calmed her down with tapping her back gently.

Hemera then felt another push and this one was hard, the kicking hurt her so much that her screams made the day shift in the mortal world. Finally, Aether pulled out the baby, the baby was a girl, Hemera saw Tartarus and Ouranos shuffle drachmas to each other. "Your betting on my baby's gender!" Tartarus and Ouranos suddenly felt interest in the ceiling, "continuing, since this is a girl her name will be Andrea, colossus of strength, archery, wealth, underworld, and justice."

Hemera than had 2 more batches of children, who were both girls, Lotus, was the colossus of love, desire, arts, and architecture. The other daughter was Adara, colossus of souls, stars, youth, knowledge, moon, healing, family, and beauty.

The last baby was coming and Hemera swore to Khaos that these babies were kicking harder each time. "HELP!" Hemera yelled, her husband Aether held her hand reassuring her that she'll be alright. Finally the baby plopped out, revealing a raven black haired boy, with a cute face expression.

"Now this colossus will be the king of all the others, Perseus colossus of the oceans, monsters, war, floods, hurricanes, storms, light, creativity, swiftness, and ruler of all colossuses!" Hemera shouted, he inherited some abilities from Zeus, and Aether. He would probably be strong to take on minor gods at his age but with major difficulties.

A/N how'd you like it? Hope ya did!

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