Chapter 2: Back pains and Panic

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Izuku's pov:

You'd think I'd gasp at being startled, or maybe even scream, both I'm at least okay with. But instead, I chirped, I chirped like a bird! What's happening to me.?

I remember this morning, when I woke up at my desk, I looked at my hands to see my nails had changed again. They had turned completely black, and had elongated, they looked like talons, like I could puncture someone with just a little force. I didn't know how I was supposed to hide this, so I just haphazardly put on some thick gloves. It was a sloppy job, but it was better than walking around without them. I appreciated when we were told we were battling today, I'd get to where my gloves, and I hoped it would take my mind off of all of this. But it turns out it only made it worse when I made that weird noise. Anxiety was boiling inside me, I could sense that my class was getting suspicious. I.. I don't know what to do.

"Young Midoriya!" a voice had grabbed my attention, I snapped my head to see All Might was trying to get my attention. Crap. We were standing outside in our hero costumes. We had to fight hand to hand combat with our opponent that All Might chose for us. I've been too distracted to pay attention

 "It's your turn." He says, I gulped, "Oh um, right, I'm sorry." I walk over to the field, Sato already standing there waiting. I get into a battle position, "Now, your goal is to get your opponent out of bounds." All Might says, then blows the whistle.

Sato charges at me, looking like he's about to do a body-chuck. I dodge his attack and grab his arm, swinging him and slamming him to the ground. It's harder without my quirk, but I can handle it. I feel a hand grab my leg, pulling me up. I kick him in the face with my other leg, getting free from his hold. I jumped at him, punching him in the gut. Sato falls back, but he jumps up quickly. I rush to him, preparing to kick his chin, but reaches under my arm and slams me to the ground. I feel the air get knocked out of me. He aims for a punch, I grab his fist before he can hit me. I get up, pushing him back to the point he almost fell. I rush towards him, raising my fist for a final blow, until a sharp pain stabs into my back.

"AAHH" a scream of pain leaves my mouth, I collapse to the ground. It feels like my back is being ripped and pulled from the inside, "Deku/Midoriya/Young Midoriya!" I hear multiple people shout, I groan as I try to push myself up, the pain only increasing. "Midoriya! What's wrong?" I hear a worried voice shout. I groan loudly, "My.. b-back. hURTS! Ah!!"

My ears start to ring a bit, what's wrong with me...

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my chest, lifting me up. They try to carry me bridal style, but as soon as their hands touch my back I hiss in pain. I feel them shift me over their shoulder, and start walking. I blink, getting the tears out of my eyes to see who's carrying me. I see a webbing and another pair of arms, Shoji. The headache returns, why must my body torture me like this.

I feel very tired all of a sudden, maybe, just one nap wouldn't hurt..

Uraraka's pov:

Deku-kun has been acting weird lately, he's been very tired recently from pushing himself too much. We tried to get him to train more healthy but he kept going. But recently, he looks like he's been in more pain, more distracted. I'm worried about him, I haven't seen him act like this. We've been trying to help but he keeps brushing it off. I'm worried for him, I hope he opens up to us soon.

Izuku's pov:

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