Chapter 24

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It wasn't the kind of fiery blast Nick knew from holomovies, or from his own imagination, or even like the one that had felled his satellite rocket.  Just a low crack. 

The Mercedes his parents had just gotten into jolted backwards several inches, and then came to a halt.  The only signs that anything had happened were the cracked windows and the smoke that was shooting through the chinks like the steam from a boiling coffee pot.

"Doctor! Call a doctor!" Nick screamed as he ran towards the car. He was simultaneously alerting emergency services through his MindWave.

Over Nick's satellite link, Laura's voice cut in. Nick! Where are you, Nick? I've just found evidence the National Unity Church is going to attack your family. Satellite coverage over New York was usually pretty good, but in this underground parking lot the signal was only strong enough to allow for low quality audio and video transmission.

Nick ignored her and kept running. He reached the car before any of the stunned security personnel and yanked at a door handle. 

The handle was hot, and the door was either locked or jammed.

Nick needed to get the door open. He desperately bashed through the deeply cracked bullet proof window with his right hand.  Broken shards of glass cut through his suit and into the flesh of his arm, and three of his knuckles felt like they were broken. After a moment of shock, he used his MindWave to dull the pain and help coordinate his panicked movements. He reached through the broken window with his uninjured hand, found the door lock, undid it, and pulled the door open.

His mother rolled out of the car and onto the ground. Her face was burned away, bone peeking through the blood and ash. Nick made a deep whimpering noise and nearly retched.  Then he gathered himself, stepped over his mother's body and reached through the flames towards his father.

To do so, he had to reach across the length of the back seat, exposing his arms to the inferno within the cabin. Ignoring the pain, he pulled his father out and set him gently on the concrete ground of the parking garage.

His father's body was half burned, half untouched. He coughed and moaned weakly.

Nick's suit had burned away and his arms were covered with bloody blisters, strips of flesh sloughing off in some places, but he barely noticed.


"You can't remove a patient from this facility without the correct paperwork. And the patient currently is in no condition to sign the forms," a woman's voice cut through the blackness, followed by receding footsteps.

Nick stirred, and forced an eye open. He saw a familiar face framed by long red hair. "Laura.... What are you doing?" he mumbled through his stupor. Why was his vision so hazy? Had the doctors drugged him?

Laura gave him a reassuring smile. "Time to get you out of here."

"Out ... of here? I," protested Nick weakly. The image of his father dying in his arms came back into his mind and he blinked back tears.

Laura turned to the two suited men who flanked her, her movements and speech cursory and commanding. "Take the whole bed. Unplug the machinery. Just leave the IV in."

As the guards moved swiftly to obey her commands, Laura returned her attention to Nick. "This hospital is for humans. I have something better for you than the primitive care offered here. And also, the security here is terrible. If we can get into your room, anyone else can."

Nick groaned as he tried to sit up. Laura's presence made him wary.

Laura walked forward and put her hand on Nick's shoulder. "The painkillers you're on are making you drowsy. Use your MindWave to counteract them. Release serotonin."

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