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I was walking along the road all alone in the summer heat. I had no idea where I was heading.
- Hey! What are you doing here all by yourself? I heard someone say.
I looked up to see a tall guy with a yellow vest.
- I- I begun.
- I don't know actually, I sighed.
- You seem a little lost. Let me give you a ride home, my bike is over there, he said and pointed towards the Rökka roundabout.
- Oh, but I don't really have anywhere to stay... I told him.
- Oh well. I'm guessing you're kinda short on money? He asked.
I nodded.
- Well then, how about you start working over there with me? He asked and pointed towards the Rökka roundabout once again.
- That would be appreciated. What do you do though? I asked.
- Weeding. It's not that fun, but it's a good way to earn money, he explained.
- My name is Otto by the way, he continued.
- I'm Ingrid, I blushed.
We started walking towards the roundabout. It doesn't look that big from the outside but when you're inside it you notice that it's actually huge.
- Here's where I work. It's only me here so it's chill, he explained.
We both started working, mostly in silence apart from a couple of ouches whenever we accidentally touched a stinging nettle. I reached for a dandelion, not knowing that Otto was going for the same one. We both blushed as our hands touched.
- Sorry- we both said in shock.
We both looked up at each other. We looked into each other's eyes as we slowly drifted closer to one another's face. Our lips were just about to meet when we were interrupted by a cough.
- Otto?

Because I love You [ Ingrid × ? ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang