heated moment

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We'd spent a couple of hours together at my place, and it was actually pretty fun hanging out with him. After the movie we were watching ended, I got up.
- I think I'm gonna head to bed, I announced.
- Sure, I might as well too, Samuel responded.
After we had brushed our teeth, I discovered a small problem.
- I only have one bed, I pled.
- Oh, well I could sleep on the cou- he begun.
- No! I quickly exclaimed.
- I mean, I'm actually kinda scared to sleep alone, so... I continued, blushing.
- Oh, alright. if you want it that way, he said and smirked.
- Yeah, uh.. I said, feeling my cheeks turn more and more brightly red.
I got on the right side of my bed, and pointed towards the left side. We laid there for a while in silence. Suddenly, a weird knocking sound could be heard from the outside of the balcony. I quickly jumped into Samuels arms out of fear. I get scared very easily, but Samuel put his hand around me to attempt to calm me.
- it's nothing, Samuel said in a calm tone.
I nodded but stayed in his arms for a little bit just in case. When I had calmed down a bit, I noticed that my hand was laying on his bare chest.
- Sorry! I stammered and moved my hand.
- No, that's alright, he pled calmly and moved my hand back to where it was before.
The heated tension between us was tremendous.
- Are we about to kiss right now? we both asked at the same time.

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