reaching in

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I closed my eyes and reached in. My heart fluttered as I felt his soft lips touch mine. A lot of thoughts went through my head. This was my first ever kiss. The butterflies in my stomach went feral as he gently inserted his tongue. The makeout session got wilder, and before I knew it he was unstrapping my bra. The moment before he was about to remove my bra, we heard a loud thud. We both looked towards the door, to see Filip standing there.
- What the actual fuck? I thought we were meeting up huh? He exclaimed with rage.
Samuel quickly got up.
- I don't know what this is about, but if your intentions are hurting her in any way you better get out of here before something bad happens, Samuel said with a furious tone.
- Weren't we gonna fuck? why the fuck did you diss me the fuck around with this loser? Filip rebuked.
- I- I didn't- I begun.
- That's enough. Leave right now or I'm calling the cops, Samuel yelled.
- Alright then, but trust me, I will be back! Filip raged before storming out of the room.
Samuel followed him to make sure he actually left. he returned to me and asked me to explain the whole story. I told him what had happened and that we weren't a thing or anything. After making sure everything was locked, we went to sleep, lying closely to each other.

When I woke up the next morning, I discovered that I was alone in bed. I got up to try to find Samuel. I discovered him at the stove making bacon and eggs.
- Rise and shine, he exclaimed.
I smiled.
- Good morning, I replied.
- How was your sleep? he asked while putting the bacon and eggs on two plates.
- pretty good, I answered as I sat down.
We are for a while in silence.
- Are you leaving today? I asked him.
- No. Not with that Filip guy saying he would return, Samuel explained.
I nodded in silence.

A couple of days later, it was midnight and things were getting heated between us again. We were in the middle of undressing when suddenly we heard a noise.
- Ingrid! We're home! my mom shouted.
I froze for a couple of seconds before going into panic mode. I quickly pushed Samuel away from on top of me and ordered him to hide under my bed. He managed to hide right before my mom entered my room.
- Hi darling! Did you miss me? she asked with a wide smile.
- Yes, of course! I smiled awkwardly.
- I smell bacon and eggs. Did you cook for once? she asked.
- Yeah, I was getting kind of tired of the frozen pizzas, I replied.
- Have you done any laundry since I left? She wondered.
- Actually, no, I replied with an innocent smile.
- Well then, she said and began walking towards my laundry basket.
She picked it up and exclaimed:
- Why are there men's underwear in here?!
I froze. Fuck. I had completely forgotten about Samuel's laundry. At that very moment, a sneeze could be heard from under my bed.
- Ingrid! there's an intruder! she exclaimed and rushed towards the bed.
- No, mom.. I said trying to hold her back.
She looked under the bed and screeched:
- Mom! Calm down! I tried.
I held her back to let Samuel get out from under there. My mom loured at us.
- I think you've definitely got some explaining to do, she muttered.

Because I love You [ Ingrid × ? ]Where stories live. Discover now