Visit From Someone From the Past: Hurt/Comfort

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Headcannon(changing it up a bit from the original)- Phil was once a crow owned by a terrible owner, that would abuse crows and sell them on the black market for illegal things. Once Philza escaped he saw someone make a potion and smash it on themselves, so he copied only he used different materials. He splashed it on himself and became the immortal dude with all know and love today.

Headcannon from: Jalapeno Girl from Youtube (they gave me permission to use this headcannon)

TRIGGER WARNINGS: BLOOD, FIGHTING, GORE, CUSSING,TORTURE, AND KIDNAPPING (I know a lot but I want to make you guys cry /j)


I was hanging out with Steve outside when I noticed Phil quickly make his way into the house looking troubled. I noticed he had been off all day since he came back from L'Manberg "see you later Steve" I pet him one last time before heading inside after Philza. "Hey Phil you alright man? you've been acting a bit off lately" I asked him as he was nervously looks around he jumped a bit at my sudden presence "oh hey Techno, yeah I'm fine just......worried about Ghostbur that's all" he stated I believed him we hadn't seen Ghostbur in a few days so I was also a bit concerned about him though I didn't admit it. "Don't worry I'm sure he's fine probably handing out with friend" I assured him smiling a bit "yeah you're probably right.....well I have to get going I need more supplies for the Syndicate room" Phil slowly rushed out the door I thought nothing of it and went back to what I was originally supposed to be doing. I had finished tidying up my room Phil has been telling me to clean it for weeks, Philza is scary when he's mad and that's coming from me. I noticed it had been four hours since Phil had left and was starting to worry 'he's fine probably just decided that-' "Leave Dadza alone!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts 'that was Ghostbur!' I quickly grab my axe and rush out the door to the source of the shout. As I neared them I saw Phil on his knees holding someone, but there was also someone I didn't recognize standing in front of Phil. The closer I got the more I realized that the person Phil was hold was Ghostbur I angrily glare at the man in front of Phil as I charge at him as he attempted to grab Philza. "Get the hell away from them!" I shouted quickly attacking him I swung my axe almost hitting him several times. "Phil you and Ghostbur get out of here I'll-!" suddenly the man throws something out the was a stun grenade 'where the hell did he get that!?' I attempted to move out of the way but didn't in time. It goes off creating a bright flash that covered my field of vision followed by a very loud bang that caused my ears to start ringing. I could only hear muffled voice it was so bad I ended up falling to the ground "Techno!" I hear what I presumed was Phil I look up to see the man had a hold on Philza "Phil-" the guys kicked me in the chest I was vulnerable and I hated it. my vision started going dark as I hit the ground I see Philza being dragged off by the man "no" I barely mumbled as I blacked out.

Ghostbur's POV: (one hour earlier)

I was walking with friend though the Arctic I was heading to see Dadza and Technoblade since it had been a while since I had seen them. As I walked I saw Dadza "hey Dadza-" I gasp at the scene before me, a man dressed in all black was attempting to hurt him how ever by my shouting Dadza was distracted and was struck down. I quickly tied friend's lead to a tree and run over to the man ready to attack even though it was something I didn't like doing. "Leave Dadza alone!" I shouted as I tackled the man attempting to disarm him. He was much quicker then I was so I ended up on the ground badly injured plus the snow from the ground was burning my skin. Suddenly the man picks me up by my throat and starts strangle me "really Philza you left your life as a crow for a weak ghost friend" the man spoke. My breathing got heavier as I looked at Dadza's worried face he was very injured "Martin please, let my son go he has nothing to do with this!" Phil shouts attempting to get up "oh so this is your son, even better" his grip on my neck get tighter. My hands grab his wrist trying to get away as I flailed my legs "no please!" I finally get enough strength to kick him in the knee "shit!" The man shouted as he let go of me I fell to the ground near Dadza coughing and trying to catch my breath. "Ghostbur!" I felt Dadza pull me close to him as my vision gets blurry "hey stay with me" he says gently "I'm sorry" I mumbled before passing out.

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