Beginne am Anfang

Tetura hooted hurray and clapped her hands like a child. I on the other hand didn't have her enthusiasm. I wanted to lie down again but she wouldn't let me. She dragged me outside into the sun and I had to admit it felt good. I have barely been outside in 4 days. The warm sunrays on my skin, the brightness of the day, It chased a little of my demons away.

We sat on the old rusty swing at the backyard. The fact that this was still here in a place like this...crazy. We swung in silence for a while

"I know what you wished for" Tetura said, and I met her gaze. "its going to come true, okay. you'd get out of here."

I closed my eyes and held on to her words. I don't know if she even believed them at the time but they gave me hope.

I opened my eyes and looked up at my stark ceiling boards. It was indeed my birthday - June 12th. I wish Tetura were here. If I had a cake, I'd blow a candle on that. I picked up my phone by the bedside stool and checked my facebook. Nothing. Am I a fool to expect a message from her? I'm not even sure if she's safe.

I ignored the other facebook messages and stared at the ceiling. I consciously chose not to worry about her but dwelt on the happy moments we had, little though they were. If she were here, she'd probably drag me to a fanciful store for some dream-shopping and then to a second-hand store for some real shopping - my birthday treat. She'd probably make me try out 10 outfits and buy only one. She'd probably squeeze my nose when I made a snarky comment and act like she was my big sister, even though she was only older by a year and 3 months. I chuckled as I remembered how she always made sure we utilized the full three hours of freedom we were allowed every month, hopping from shop to shop. The hunter tailing us must have been frustrated.

I think I smell pancakes.

I must have been bone tired if I didn't hear Luke come in last night.  I sat up in the bed just as my phone ringing. It was Tekena was calling.

"Hi bro" I yawned.

"happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you.." he sang.

I could hear papa's voice in the background too. They sounded terrible. Apparently only the females in my family could sing. My mom used to be the choir mistress before she died, God rest her soul.

I covered my eyes and grinned like an idiot while they did their thing. When it was my turn, I began to sing sheepishly "I am eighteen today...I am eighteen today"

After we've all made a fool of ourselves, papa prayed for me and spoke some blessings over my life. I promised to send them pictures later on, and then hung up.

I stood up and stretched but stopped mid-pose when I saw Luke standing by the doorway with a scowl on his face. "Really Mina"

My stomach dropped ten floors down. How could I forget to tell him?


Luke's POV

I was in the kitchen again whipping my pancake magic. I was trying to make this one better than the last one, so I chopped strawberries and bananas to be used as fillings. I had eaten half of the fruits already and two pancakes with a glass of orange juice. I was just happy this was the last pancake to be made so I could get out of the kitchen. How do chefs stay in shape?

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