Safe House

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Okay this ones been a long time coming, i was struggling for inspiration for this one so hopefully this isn't too bad!

We strolled into the safe house hand in hand. I wasn't really that keen on being back with everyone but I was excited to see Tammy. I wrapped my arms around her neck squealing in excitement while Lou said hello to everyone else. Rose wasn't far behind Tammy to greet me and the three of us shuffled into the kitchen.

"You two look very official" Rose smiled pouring me a coffee as she glanced over the top of her glasses. "Going well then?"
I nodded, but Tammy beat me to speaking.
"It sounded like it was going well the other day" she snorted.
I rolled my eyes, "you didn't have to stay on the line...not my fault you like to watch"
Rose watched us with interest. It was nice to be back with my friends, i really had missed them. I wasn't looking forward to the job though, if this went wrong we could all end up in jail and honestly that's not how I saw my life going. Not now everything with Lou was going so well.

The catch up was loud and quick. Plenty of talking over each other and shouting plans that didn't sound like they were going to work. Turns out my mum was pretty good at all this stuff because without her the team was struggling. I tried to stop myself yawning for the millionth time when Rose launched into another half baked plan featuring a plumbers van.
"Go get a shower...or take a nap" Lou gently kissed my cheek, "we're not getting anywhere fast with this baby"
I lent into her warmth, both those things sounded good but they'd be better with her.
"I'll be up soon to join you anyway". It was as if she'd read my mind, another sign I should work on my poker face.  I quietly stood up and backed out of the room. They were all deep in discussion and I didn't think anyone noticed me go.

It wasn't til I got out the shower and found my towel missing that I realised I'd been followed. Damn Lou making run naked through corridors to get to our room. I tried to cover myself as best I could as I made a mad dash hoping nobody saw me. Not that I care about being naked I just hate the teasing! I wasn't expecting to find Tammy sat on the bed smirking when I half fell through the door.

"Woah what the...Tammy did you take my towel?" I grabbed it from the floor by the bed quickly covering myself.
"Oh please, don't blame me for your exhibitionism! It was here when I arrived, you must have forgotten it" she rolled her eyes falling back onto my bed.
"No...I..." well she could be right, I can be forgetful. But no, I'm sure I took it. I started pulling on whatever clothes I could find from my over flowing suitcase. I was thinking when Tammy spoke again.

"You two seem happy" her voice was measured, it made me frown...was it possible she was jealous? No way, I shook the though quickly from my head. She's not gay and she definitely wouldn't make me run in here naked...right?
"Yeah. Things are good.... Better if my mum got over it" I chewed on my lip as I sat next to her. Something felt weird.
"Maybe she's jealous" I paused towelling off my hair to look at Tammy lounging on my bed.
"Why would she be jealous Tam?" I felt sick, I don't think I could deal with this level of weird. If girlfriend used to date or fuck my mum, surely Lou would have told me?

I snapped out of my queasy panic when Tammy began screaming with laughing.
"Your.... Face...shit....I can't breath....too funny" she struggled to get the words out. I didn't understand at first but eventually as she calmed down I realised she'd been just joking.

I shoved her off the bed and she hit the floor with a crash. I smirked seeing the wind knocked out of her, it was a short lived victory as she launched herself at me putting me in a headlock. Pretty soon we were a tangle of limbs and together we hit the floor again.
"Say sorry" I flipped her so she was pinned underneath me. I was in the middle of trying to grab her hands when she caught me off guard and knocked my balance.
She managed to escape and trap me on my back, "make me"
My breath caught in my throat as she pinned my hands over my head. I swallowed hard as I looked up at her slowly leaning towards me...I wanted to stop her but curiosity burned at my mind. Her face was inches away from mine.

"Tammy! Baby! We are ordering pizza what do you guys want?" Lou's voice sounded from outside the room, Tammy quickly let me go and sat back on the bed leaving me in a breathless mess on the floor. Lou gave us a weird look as she entered the room.
"You two good?" She looked between us, her eyes settling on me lying on the floor.
"Yeah just Tammy being a clown... the usual" I stood up rubbing my elbow, maybe the wrestling had gotten a little out of hand.
"Sorry that I'm just so funny and you can't take a joke" Tammy smirked.
I quickly kissed Lou, nothing had happened but a quiet guilt ate at my thoughts. Had I wanted something to happen?

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