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For once Lou wasn't gone when I woke up, she was still asleep snoring lightly. It was a nice change to waking up alone, I cuddled into her making the most of it. I thought she'd jump out of bed the second she woke up but she didn't, she pulled me in and kissed me softly.
"So about last night..." she said
"Sorry I don't usually get jealous I don't know what came over me" I started to explain, I felt kinda guilty for trying to get a reaction from her.
"No don't apologise" she kissed my forehead, "we never laid down any ground rules so it was bound to happen eventually"

Oh great here it came she was going to tell me it was just sex, which would be fine except I was kind of starting to like her. "Is this you setting yourself up to make some rules?" I asked quietly.
"No...just clearing up some boundaries" she started but paused for a while, she ran her hand through her hair a couple of times during the silence, "you know your mom will be pissed when she finds out about us"
"Us?" I asked trying not to sound too hopeful.
"Mmhmm, pretty sure you agreed to be mine last night" she winked with a cheeky grin, "if you want to be that is?"
I nodded and then asked what I was dreading, "and what about you...from the stories I've heard you don't seem the dating type"
She pulled me on top of her so we were face to face,
"I guess for you I can break all the rules" she kissed me hard and then pushed me out of the bed, "come on let's try a few more weeks without telling your mom"

I was sat on the couch listening to the others when Tammy flopped down next to me. "Did you have a nightmare last night y/n?" She said with a smirk.
"Huh?" I was confused.
"Well I could hear you crying out for your mommy" fuck she'd heard everything. I felt myself go hot when she dropped her voice so only I could hear, "or was it your other mommy you wanted" I groaned and shoved her off me and the couch. She fell about laughing like I was the funniest person in the world.

"Don't be embarrassed kiddo we all have bad dreams leading up to a big job" Debbie interjected just as I was about to launch at Tammy, "shame my rooms on the other side of the house or I might have heard and checked in on you"
I glared at Tammy, who still was on the floor laughing at her joke.
"It's alright Debbie I think Lou checked in on her..."
I froze, that was too far. She'd know...
"That's good dear" she replied diving back into her work. Jobs always come first with my mum and for once I was glad of it

That's how it continued the next few days, me and Lou sneaking about and Tammy trying her best to get us in trouble. It was hard to get annoyed at her though since she actually covered for us more than once, she seemed to know exactly where the line was.

I was washing up in the kitchen when Lou came behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I tried to move away from her the kitchen was way too obvious.

"Don't be so boring baby, come upstairs with me" she started sucking on my neck
"Everyone's home Lou!" We really had been tempting fate this week. I wasn't ready for the blow up with my mum.
"They're not, they went to check out the security at the bank for the millionth time" she licked up my neck, it was too hard to resist her. "Tammy will message when they had back. It'll be fine"
I moaned as she slid her hands down the front of my sweat pants.
"No underwear? Naughty girl and you're so wet for me...again" Lou whispered in my ear seductively I whimpered at her words "come upstairs like the good girl I know you are... or should I just bend you over and fuck you here since you're being difficult for mommy" she broke up each word with a kiss on my neck, I felt her pull my hips back to bend me over the sink as her hands grabbed at my ass. I was about to agree to whatever she wanted when something behind us crashed to the floor.

I jumped half a foot in the air and spun round hiding behind Lou, pulling my sweatpants back up. Lou had completely frozen and I saw instantly why, my mother the one and only Debbie Ocean had just walked in and dropped a tray of coffees that were presumably for us and was standing open mouthed at her best friend about to fuck her only daughter.

"Jesus daughter...the hickeys...mommy....the nightmare...Tammy?! Fucking hell don't you have any morals " She was just saying words at us as the realisation hit her like a wave. I wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. This was not how she was meant to find out, we were going to put it to her innocently, her walking in on me being a complete mess for Lou wasn't ideal.

She stormed out and Lou followed.
"Debbie look....I can explain" their voices drifted out the house as I stood there unsure what to do.
My phone started ringing I picked it up.
Tammy's voice shook me into action "Hey trouble I think your mom might be heading back soon...she..."
"She walked in....the kitchen... Christ Tammy Lou had me bent over and her hands were everywhere" I thought she'd laugh but she actually didn't.
"I'm coming back now...don't worry it'll be funny in a few weeks. Maybe" she hung up.

I felt hot and sick all at the same time. I left to see where my mom and Lou were but they were outside having the screaming match of the century.
"She's a child Lou"
"Debbie don't be dramatic she's in her twenty's! She's definitely not innocent...wait I didn't mean it like that"
"No I just meant she wasn't a - "
"Stop it! She's not one of your conquests!"
"I didn't know who she was when I met her!"
"You've been fucking her since then? CHRIST"

It felt like it was never going to end...I wanted to go and stop them but I think my face appearing would just rattle my mum more.

I sat listening until Rose and Tammy whirled into the room and pulled me upstairs to keep me distracted from the blow up. I didn't even realise I was crying until Rose pulled me into a cuddle and Tammy ran to find wine.
"What if...what if Lou's not interested after this?"I cried into Rose's hair.
"Shhhh Lou does what she wants my dear" she rubbed my back, "your mum won't be able to stop her"

I hoped she was right

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