Jealous (mature)

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I don't really know if I've got anything further to do with this story- what do people think?
While I decide here's a chapter of smut 😇

Lou and I continued to exist in a bubble for a few days before she finally brought up the subject of my mum.
"Look baby, maybe we should reach out to her and explain things" Lou said after I'd stormed off at the mention of Debbie Ocean's stupid name, "she might be more understanding now we're dating"
I rolled my eyes, "Lou she's never cared about my life why do you think she's gonna start now?"
"She's always cared about my life..." Lou looked wide eyed at what she just said.
"Must me nice" I snorted and went back to making some pasta sauce. I couldn't deny I was kind of jealous of my mom and Lou's relationship.

She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, softly kissing my neck. "Sorry...that wasn't necessary for me to say" she apologised in a whisper between kisses. I felt myself shiver under her breath. She was magnetic. She spun me round so I was facing her and breast her body into mine.
"Lou.... you can't get your own way by seducing me every time" I mumbled trying not to react.
She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, she kept one hand on my waist and took my jaw into her other "you know what I think princess?" She lent forward past my lips so her mouth was back on my ear. Her tongue snaked out and brushed my ear and a small moan escaped my lips.
"I think.." she said huskily, my body shivered with desire, "you like..." her hand left my jaw and slowly a finger traced down my body between my breasts making my nipples harden... "being..." her hand went lower past stomach, as it got closer to my pussy I instinctively opened my legs wider for her touch. "My...good...girl" my breath caught in my throat
My eyes were shut tight as her hand rubbed against me, I pushed my hips into her hand.

"Lou..." I croaked. I knew I was wet and I knew she could probably feel it through my clothes, there was no denying in this moment I'd do anything for her.

"Couch. Naked." she bit my ear making me jump.
By the time we got to the couch I'd stripped off and so had she, she sat behind me straddling me, kissing my neck I could feel her wetness as she was pushing herself into my back. I moaned quietly as her hands began to touch me.

She took one of my hands in hers and began to control it, first she lifted it to my nipples and began to make me play with them. Even though it was my hand doing all the work just knowing she was guiding me made me feel electric. She continued to kiss my neck and grind herself into my ass as she used my hand to play with me.
She took my other hand and began to lightly trace it up and down my thigh. I spread my legs for her and tried to move my hand to release some tension. She chuckled into my neck. "So needy baby" was all I heard her husky voice say.

She kept my hand roaming my thighs and my lower stomach before she finally guided it over my heat. I tried to raise my hips to get more friction but she just moved my hand further away. I whined frustratedly, which made her laugh again, it sounded almost primal.
"Please Lou" I begged.
"It's your hand baby.." I tried again thinking I had permission but she was stronger than me and kept my hand frustratingly light on my pussy.
"Louuuuu" I whined this time, "please. I need it"
"You're such a horny girl...always wanting to be fucked" she whispered, I felt her press herself into me more as she spoke. She liked to make me beg it made her even wetter.
"Please Lou..." I was panting now, she let my hand go so I could play with myself. I moaned as I began to rub my clit and found myself pushing myself back into her so she could grind on me.
She moaned in surprise, "good girl" she purred in my hear with her warm breath sending shivers down my spine, "do you want me to help you baby girl" she said her voice smooth in my ear.

I nodded, her hand reappeared between my legs and she slid two fingers into me. I began to moan as she thrust in and out of me, my head fell back into her when her other hand began to squeeze my throat. My legs began to shake within moments of the direct attention. I couldn't contain my orgasm as I soaked her hand and screamed her name.

Her hand loosened on my throat and her mouth found my ear.
"You're my girl, you don't need to be jealous of Debbie" she nipped at my ear with her teeth again, before sucking my shoulder making another mark.
"I wasn't-" her grip on my throat tightened as I spoke cutting me off.
"Shh don't lie baby, I know you. I know you because you're mine"

I moaned at her possessive words and even though she'd just fucked me it made me need more. I pulled her hand back between my legs in a silent plea and she did not disappoint

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