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Sooooo, here we are. Two more days until the big exam from what I've heard. How are we all feeling, hero course gang? I bet you're all super nervous. Anyway, once again I'm glad I don't have to go through that right now, because I'd honestly be scared shitless. There is no way I'd actually be able to go through with that. Exams are scary. Exams that'll determine your future are even scarier.

So yeah. Take that, hero courses. But still, I lowkey am a little jealous, let's be real for a second. You'll get to use your Quirks in emergency situations now, which is pretty cool, not gonna lie. Anyway, I do hope that you'll all survive this exam, no matter what Mr. Aizawa says. Here is Ryn Weaver with Pierre.

AlienQueen: rip me i'm going to die T^T

          >tape_dispenser: sameeee T^T

                      >electrocutie: eh come on. we'll do this. we can manage this.

                                   >rocky-boi: yeah have some confidence!

                                                 >ladiesman: hahahahaaaa i am so fucking scared

                                                                 >AlienQueen: hope u die, mineta

                                                                                  >ladiesman: if i get squished by your boobs i gladly will

                                                                                                   >AlienQueen: disgusting

AllmightFanboi: I really hope I'll make it! I NEED this provisional license.

          >GottaGoFast: I'm sure you'll make it, friend.

                      >Froppy: It sounds weird, when you say it like that?

                                    >GottaGoFast: Say what like what?

                                                 >Froppy: Friend.

                                                              >GottaGoFast: Why would you call it "weird"? Midoriya is my                                                                            friend and I would like to let him know that I'm his friend, so                                                                            why is it weird when I call him my friend?

                                                                              >Froppy: It just sounds super creepy in that context,                                                                                              dude...

                                                                                              >GottaGoFast: Right. As class president, of                                                                                                                course I wouldn't want to come across as                                                                                                                  creepy. I apologize for my creepiness and thank                                                                                                    you for the advice.

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