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I suppose it'll be very quiet today. Why? Because most of the people that would be listening in are the first year hero course students and they are all gone for the week to be at their internships. And I kind of doubt that they'll really have the energy to stay up the whole night as usual.

So if there is anyone else listening in, I'd be happy to hear from you. Otherwise I'll probably be catching up on all the homework I've got, because if there aren't as many people listening in, then it means I'll actually have some time to do them properly. Anyway, since the night only just started and the sun is still setting, here is a kind of dreamy mood - Lord Huron and Meet Me In The Woods.

Hitoshi leaned back in his chair. He wasn't really expecting a lot of people to give their opinions on stuff right now, because most of the people he regularly interacted with would be gone right now and be busy with their internships and what not. There were the three third years that sometimes left him a comment or two and there was Tokeige from his course, but that was it. Oh, and Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa of course.

Hitoshi wasn't quite sure why they were still sticking around. Somehow he didn't really think that his music taste was that good or that his content was that entertaining. Maybe they just wanted to hear what was going on with all the students? That was a possibility. In a way, he got way more input here at night, than anyone else at any point in time. The insomnia hours were usually the kind of times when people would talk about their deepest, darkest secrets, even if it was to complete strangers.

PowerLesbian: Hey, can I request any song by girl in red? Please?

          >eyebags-for-days: Absolutely!

                  >PowerLesbian: Thanks :3

                            >eyebags-for-days: You okay? You usually only listen to girl in red when you're                                       sad.

                                       >PowerLesbian: It's not really something I wanna talk about. Thanks for                                                    offering, though. I'll be alright.

                                                     >eyebags-for-days: Sure thing, take care, okay?

ne-chan: You sound way too happy to get a break from us, haha.

PotatoDoctor: hey can i call in? since there isn't so much of an audience today i'd kinda just like someone random to talk to

          >eyebags-for-days: Sure, whenever you're ready.

                         >PotatoDoctor: thanks

Hitoshi went back to his math homework. He had been trying to get that done all week, but after spending half an hour on one task he had done everything else first and started to procrastinate. And even now he could feel his mind drifting off again, wondering about everything.

What was up with Tokeige? Why was she upset? Tokeige had become one of his best friends in his class, ever since day one. She was the kind of person you didn't want to get in an argument with, because she would always, always win. And she would ruin you in the process. So her being upset about something was quite uncharacteristic. Hitoshi hoped she was okay. But if she didn't want to talk, no one could force her. Everyone had a bad day once in a while, didn't they? Why shouldn't she be allowed to have one as well? He hoped it was nothing.

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