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Well, here I was, thinking that without the hero students around we might have a fairly quiet week ahead of us. But apparently not. I'm sure you all heard of it already, there was literally nothing else on the news for an entire day - the Stain incident. They finally caught Stain after how many years? Seven? Eight? Nine? Ten? That's a damn long time for a serial killer to be killing this actively, honestly. Plus, at the same time there was some mayhem in the city centre, involving a bunch of Nomu, apparently connected to the League of Villains. A lot of wild stuff has happened and I have to sort through it all myself, so have fun with Joy Division and Shadowplay and give me your input on the situation.

electrocutie: aaahhhh i am SO GLAD you are talking about this because i've been tuning in today just to hear you talk about it and i am so happy that i get rewarded for my loyalty

          >eyebags-for-days: You make it sound as if I'm doing this for you.

                      >electrocutie: it's okay i know you're doing this for me, no need to admit it

                      >electrocutie: which brings me to my actual question

                      >electrocutie: what is the actual deal with stain? like i get he's a big name and all,                                 but what is the story there?

                      >electrocutie: shinsou EXPLAIN


PowerLesbian: I've been onto that whole thing for ages, it's actually really interesting!

          >eyebags-for-days: Care to share for electrocutie?

                      >PowerLesbian: Sure, will I call in later?

                                  >eyebags-for-days: Please do.

ne-chan: You know what kinda worries me? There's this video that has been uploaded and it has a lot of points that people might agree with. But they're Stain's points.

          >eyebags-for-days: Video? When was that?

                        >ne-chan: Oh, just now. Like someone literally just uploaded it.

                                     >eyebags-for-days: I'm not going to ask for a link, but I will go and look for                                              this.

ImagineHumanPotatoes: I'm really glad they finally got him. It was about time.

          >PogChamp: Yeah, I remember how relieved I was when he was done with my turf for the                 work study.

Hitoshi was getting busy with finding that video that ne-chan was talking about. If it had just come out, it might be a little difficult to find, but that didn't mean he was going to give up. He had to know what was going on, before other people said anything about this. From what ne-chan had said, this might be something really controversial and Hitoshi was stressing out over it already.

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