I distracted myself of Amycus words, and looked at Draco, Blaise seemed to be trying to telling him something, but Draco kept his head down, ignoring everything Blaise was saying.

"I need to tell you, these Gryfindors are showing their dark side..." I heard Charlotte say next to me, diverting my attention from Draco. "In other circumstances I would say it's a good thing, but I'm definitely not enjoying it." She said quietly, only for me to hear being careful for Seamus or Neville who were say in front of us to hear.

"Yeah don't even tell me about it." I said looking at Amycus making sure he wouldn't hear us.

"I mean, I still don't like Draco...but I don't blame him for what happened...not quite, according to what you told me." She said softly.

I smiled at her words, and kept hearing whatever Amycus was saying, but not intending to write anything down.

"...After the Wizard's Council was reformed into the Ministry of Magic in 1717, new restrictions were placed on the legal use of certain spells. The Cruciatus Curse was only deemed by the Ministry of Magic because these cowards were too afraid of how useful and powerful this spell can be, and titled them a Unforgivable Curse, a wretched name for such a powerful spell." Amycus said firmly, pacing now between the tables.

The chalk was writing down everything Amycus was pronouncing, anyone seemed interested in this, anyone except the Slytherins of course.

"That's why, the new minister of magic, our dear friend, Pius Thicknesse, have made them legal again...so we can practice them when I decide that you are able to perform it." Amycus said firmly, as all the class started whispering about his final words.

Amycus spent the rest of his class talking about the curse, and how that merely uttering the incantation was nearly not enough, the wizard must possess a deep desire to cause pain to the victim, and take pleasure with the sight of them suffering.

In the end of the class, I imediatly runned after Draco, who was the first to step out of the class, probably trying to ignore the comments about him occurring in the classroom.

"Draco..." I called and his fast steps came to an halt. "Are you okay?" I asked softly when I reached closer to him.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He said coldly, avoiding to look me in the eye.

"If you need to talk-" He cut me off.

"I said I'm fine." He said firmly, and I swallowed back my words, and he started walking away from me. "See you at dinner." He said already with his back turned to me.

I didn't even tried to follow him, he clearly wasn't in a mood to talk, so I let him walk away from me.

"Hey." I heard Blaise's familiar voice behind me, and I turned to him walking to my side. "I'm sorry I heard the conversation." He said in a apologetic tone.

"Don't worry, it was hard not to hear, he didn't exactly spoke quietly." I said calmly, slowly walking with him in direction to our common room.

"Are you okay?" He asked calmly.

"I don't know..." I said vaguely. "I don't think Draco will ever be like before." I said.

"Lara listen to me..." Blaise grabbed my shoulders and turned me to him. "Draco can be the most stubborn person, he can be a fucking arrogant, and rude but...you're the only thing that is making him still even appearing to classes...have you noticed how he is near you, lately, you guys now eat together...that's because he's acting like this, because the last time you were related to him you...you were in danger, and now he's afraid that happens again." Blaise said looking me deeply into the eye.

My lips parted away at his words, almost tears accumulating in my eyes again, he waited for my response, but I didn't said anything, I was speechless.

"So stop thinking that." He said firmly, and let go off my shoulders. "Merlin you both are so stubborn you're made for each other." He said amusingly sighing when he started walking again.

With Blaise's words still lingering on my head I managed to say a soft "thank you", before he walked away and he gave me a small nod.


He was in the tower that day as well.

As usual, we didn't spoke at dinner, we never did, I preferred not to talk with him, and just appreciate the fact that no matters what he will always sit with me, besides I prefer talk with him alone, not in a room filled with people.

I sat near him, looking up at the sky, remembering Blaise's words, smiling as I did so, I didn't even cares if we wouldn't talk, being in his presence was all I wanted, however, I still pulled a conversation.

"I'm sorry by what Seamus said." I said softly.

"Don't worry about it." He said firmly, his tone cold as he looked at the grey sky.

"But why haven't you told Amycus what he said?" I asked, going straight to the point instead of going with surroundings.

He took his time to speak, as if choosing the words wisely.

"I knew Amycus would most probably punish him...and I don't want anybody else to be hurted on my account." He said coldly.

I nodded softly, and watched the clouds moving between each others high in the sky.

"Are you going to spend your Christmas at home?" He asked after some seconds of silence.

"Most probably. You?" I asked turning my gaze at him.

"My mother wants me to go." He said not fully answering my question.

"But do you want to go?" I asked clearly.

He took a deep breath before answering my question, if he would even answer it.

"In one side...I want to see my mother, but in the other...to imagine that he will be there...it makes me to don't want to go." He said softly, his usual mask completely gone.

"Yeah I feel the same, in one side I'll see my father but in the other...I'll barely be with him due to him always being out." I said in a choleric tone.

I tried to think what my mother would do in my position, asides from her advices and riddles she used to tell me, if she was my age, still with the world at her eyes, what would she choose.

"Do you remember when we were kids, and couldn't wait to grow up." I said vaguely, mostly a thought that came to my mind.

"Yeah, I definitely remember...when I was at the Station 9¾, waiting for the train to arrive, with my proud at it's best, hoping to be the best of the class and make my father proud..." He said, and swallowed the rest of his confession he was about to say. "Sometimes I wish I was eleven again, when we were just kids." He said softly.

"We're not eleven anymore, when we fell asleep in the couch and woke up in the bed, when we woke early and happy, now, we woke up late and depressed, we prefer to be alone, and no matter how hard we try to do good, people will only notice you by your mistakes." I said in a hurtful tone, almost with tears coming at my eyes.

What would my younger self say if she saw me like this.

"You're right, now we're all grown up and saw that the stories people told us about good always win it's a complete facade." He said his tone elated. "And that you are either in one side or the other, there's no between.

"I don't believe in good or bad, we all have both inside us." I said softly, and saw him turning his head to me, both our gazes locking together.

"I guess you're right, Blackwell." He said softly. "We all have a dark side waiting to woke up deep inside us."

I nodded, and relaxes under his soft tone, diverting my eyes to the sky watching nothing but darkness, and hoped for this nightmare to end.

It's Okay, DracoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя