Chapter 9

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The day of the first Triwizard Tournament task, it would occur in the Quidditch field, and people have been spreading rumors about the task be about dragons.

Draco and I didn't missed a day, and always met at the Astronomy Tower, I fell we've become closer, bit by bit.

And while that, I was losing my bestfriend...

I didn't talked with Matthew since our fight, I could feel him colder, the warmth he once bringed my body by his mere presence, had vanished in the ends of the world, buried in the past, where we were once one together...

I didn't understood yet, the reason behind Matthew not believing my words, he has always trusted me and supported me in a way no one besides my parents ever did, that's why we called each other siblings, according to Matthew, I was the heaven itself while Malfoy was hell.

But what's the heaven without the hell...

There can't be light without the darkness, just like the stars, the dark sky would be incomplete if there wasn't those beautifully shining spots all over it, the night needed the light of the moon and starts, like the darkness needed the light...

My mom had always told me that were is light there is darkness, without it, the light is nothing more than the light, the darkness is the other half of it, they needed each other to balance the weight of the world, they needed each other to survive...

Without the moonlight, there isn't a night, and without a dark sky, there is no place for the moon to shine, so they work together in order to bring the colors this broken world needed.

Without the darkness, there is nowhere for the light to shine.

Although, lying shamelessly to Charlotte, was making the guilty crawl in my body, trespassing my heart, ripping it in pieces, as I felt it turn into ashes like the world punishing me from my actions.

I catch some times Matthew staring at me from the other side of the hallways, a guilty gaze contained in them, spreading through his whole body, sinking into him deeply.

I know him, I know he's regretted and wants to talk with me, but he knows me well, therefore he's completely acknowledged that I'm not going to be the one talking with him, he had to be that person, because if he was truly regretted, that's what he will do.

"Lara, it had been weeks, you need to speak with Matthew and fix...whatever happened between you guys." Charlotte said, as we were walking towards the Quidditch field, fully clothed in warm clothes, due to the cold weather.

"Charlotte, I've already told you, he must be the one who needs to come into me first, he was the one who overreacted, not me." I said softly, placing my hands on my pockets trying to warm them.

"But, I didn't quite get it...what did you guys fight so much that could ended up like this." She asked furrowing her eyebrowns, tilting her head to look at me, like if she was capable to see through the features of my face the answer she was begging for with her gaze.

"It's like I told you, he overreacted about me getting detention and that was it..." I said calmly, avoiding eye contact, if I looked her in the eye while lying, I would feel way worse than I was already felling, I broke the promise I made, I'm lying, and I'm keeping important things away from her, so, like the coward I was, I felt unable to look her in the eye.

"Yeah I know it's just...that doesn't sound like him..." She said, and I finally felt her burning gaze on my skin dissappear as she looked at her front, she suspected of something that's for sure, wether the truth would come out or not was unpredictable.

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