So, the boys went to a little bar right in front of the school and quickly ordered something to eat: Jisung his all-time favorite cheesecake and Felix a Red Velvet, just to match the marks that were still very visible on his neck. They sat down on a table near the window and, for some time, no one talked, as the cakes were way more important than a chat. But then, Felix saw his best friend smiling at his phone, texting someone.

«Who's that?» he asked, still munching.

«Oh!» Jisung almost dropped his phone, as well as his smile «No one really»

The blond rolled his eyes with a little smile «Let me rephrase then: what did Lee Know said to make you smile like that?»

«N- nothing... I- I wasn't smiling at all!» his best friend sputtered, blushing.

«Yes you were»

«Alright fine» it was Jisung's time to roll his eyes.

«What did he say?» Felix inquired.

«Well... he texted me at like one a.m. asking if it was my number and I said yes almost right away, but he just visualized it and didn't reply»

The other sighed «Jisung, what the hell were you doing, up at one a.m.?»

«Well, as a matter of fact I stayed up 'till three a.m., both finishing a track and waiting for Minho-hyung to text something else»

«Jisung...» Felix whined, pouting «You know you have to sleep»

«Sure sure»

The blond frowned at him «Don't "sure sure" at me like that, dumb quokka!»

«Hey! I'm still older than you! When you were learning additions, I was learning multiplications, you know»

«God, you were literally born less than twenty-four hours before me... did Lee Know at least say something else in the end?»

«Yeah, I found a message this morning, he asked me when I'm good for meeting his friend»


«Yes, but this time I didn't reply immediately, I did just now, saying that I have to prepare something before meeting him, and he texted me back straight away, that's why I was like that»

«Why do you have to prepare?» Felix asked, biting his fingertips «When he's not teasing, Chan's actually a good person, and your music's great, so you don't have to bother like that»

«But I do wanna bother myself like that» his friend protested.

«Alright, just don't stress out too much, got it?»

«Sure mommy» Jisung mocked him.

Felix sighed, smiling, and glanced at the clock, finding out that the class was about to start, and so that he should have gone back to school.

«I'm heading out Jisungie» he stated, getting up from his seat «The class is about to begin and I have to face both Hyunjin, Soojin... and also Chan, so wish me luck»

«You'll do great Lix, I believe in you» Jisung smiled and waved at him.

«Thanks quokka... have a good chat with Lee Know» he winked, smirking.

And, with that being said, Felix left the bar, still not enough ready to face all the talks he would have had in a few minutes.


Exactly as he had thought, he almost hadn't the time to step inside the classroom before Soojin approached him, a grin on her face.

«What?» Felix asked, dropping himself on his chair.

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