M A N S I : part I

Start from the beginning

I still couldn't adjust to the way she called me 'madam'. It sounded so distant and professional, as if every relation in this house was just meant to fulfill duties. I checked on the frozen fritters and made sure we had enough ice cubes for the drinks.

"Did you check on the biryani?" I asked shutting the door to the refrigerator.

"Yes, I mixed it just the way you asked me to" She gestured to the large vessel in which we had prepared biryani. I lifted the lid carefully and peeked inside. The aroma of spices and butter made my mouth water and I was satisfied with the ample amount of coriander Shalini had used on top.

Grinning to myself, I replaced the lid and turned to Shalini.

"Thanks for the extra help today"

Shalini bent back a bit but eventually gave me a small smile in return. "The Raita is in the lower compartment getting cool"

"Shalini, if you'd like, come after nine and grab some of biryani for your family as well"

Shalini seemed shocked at my statement. She blinked a few times, " Are you sure, Ma'am?"

"Absolutely, I don't think all of our guests will be able to finish this entirely and I'm sure your son would love this biryani"

"Thanks for the offer, madam"

"Accha, Shalini, do all these South Bombay ladies have such small appetites?"

Shalini gave me a knowing look before nodding. I slapped my forehead and fell back a bit.

"You know sometimes I feel so conscious while taking a second serving!"

Shalini giggled a little and I relaxed.

"How do they even survive with so less?" I wondered aloud.

"It's the question of century, madam" We laughed together and as if on cue, the bell rang.

Quickly straightening myself, I ushered out. All of Yash's friend poured into the house one by one, each one bringing their own character.

For a moment I stood there mesmerized, the ladies looked like they had just walked out of the salon with shiny hair and skin that looked flawless and radiant. Six of his friends hugged him as they made them comfortable and gave me polite smiles.

Naman walked towards me with a mischievous smile.

"How's my favorite bhabhi?" He said while his eyes crinkled at the side.

"Very excited," I smiled back at him.

He gave me a brief hug before settling on the sofa. Hina followed next, she had a very stiff smile on her face as she walked towards me.

"How are you?" I asked her keeping my lips curved up.

"Been better," She shrugged before taking a seat beside Naman.

Dhruvi came next, with her eyes deep set and calculating. She looked me top to bottom, her face expressionless.

"Nice dress, Mansi" she commented and I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.


"Although the earrings could've been better" She said before continuing to join her group of friends on the sofa.

You don't belong with them.

You'll always stick out.

I swatted away the thoughts that came running with Dhruvi's comment. I exhaled a heavy breath and smiled at the other three friends who took seats near Yash.

"I hope everyone is hungry. I've made onion rings for starters" I announced and watched each pair of turn to me.

Dhruvi was the first to speak.

"Oh, Mansi, I don't eat deep friend food, so I and Rakesh will pass on it"

Her husband, Rakesh, turned to her with a wide mouth clearly not happy with her decision for them.

My spirits deflated a bit when Hina spoked up.

"I and Naman had an early dinner before coming here," She said while giving her signature shrug.

I tried to not let the smile on my face slip.

"Oh, it's okay" I waved my hand and walked to the kitchen to get everyone something to drink.

They will never accept you as their own, my father's sharp words cut through the fog in my mind.


Writer's block sucks.

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