A Irrelevant Version

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तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
From darkness, lead me to light

Disclaimer-  The Article is Not to Hurt Any Cultural Sentiments
I'm just trying to give a difference between Right And Wrong

Mahabharat had many versions
One of them is A Version
Where Vasuki Rapes Draupadi
Or Its written that Vasuki- Draupadi were in sexual relationship that go to in front of a helpless Arjun

At last Arjun and Draupadi seek help from Karna to kill Vasuki

Shocked /Surprised or Face palmed?

Where did this came from
It was first question came in your mind, right?

So dear people
This is a Bheel Mahabharat Version

It was supposed to be third part of this book and Previously it was decided that this version will also be given either typed or picture , the chapter was more than 2340 words
Then due to some of opinion difference we came on a conclusion not to type or read that version again
It is simply irrelevant
So  I haven't typed the story or given pictures of that because I'm not in a state to write or take pic or screenshot of any part of that version
You can find if you want on internet.

You know who are Arjun and Draupadi
And What Work had they Done

But Who is Vasuki?

For the first time
I have taken The Shlok Of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita
Adhyay 10 (Shlok - 28)

Above Image Don't Need Explanation----------------------------------------------Vasuki is the brother of Manasa deviAccording to the Scriptures, Vasuki was born to Kashyapa and Kadru after Adishesh

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Above Image Don't Need Explanation
Vasuki is the brother of Manasa devi
According to the Scriptures, Vasuki was born to Kashyapa and Kadru after Adishesh.
AdiShesh and Vasuki are the most powerful snake
Vasuki was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.
According to the mentions in the Puranas,
Vasuki played a significant role by becoming the string of the bow that Lord Shiv used to destroy the 3 cities
(Tripurari Story)

The snake that coils around the neck of Lord Shiva is Vasuki.
The three coils of the snake represent the cycle of life in terms of time namely the past, present and the future

It is believed that Shiva blessed Vasuki and wore him as an ornament.

Vasuki's prominent role is in the Samudra manthan story, where he acted as a rope to move the Mandar mountain, to get the nectar of immortality - Amrut from the ocean.

People worship Vasuki on Nag Panchami
So this are the Significance of Vasuki

Now just think that the person who has act As A Rope for Sustainability of Mortal World Can Rape A Women?

Now just think that the person who has act As A Rope for Sustainability of Mortal World Can Rape A Women?

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This type of Story does not Glorify The Great Serpent, Arjun, Draupadi or Even Karna and Kunti

It adds disgrace to their Image.
People needs to understand that
you can not say 'No offence' after spitting offensive vile things.

The thing about 'opinion' is yes you've all the rights to put your opinion. But place your opinion when asked.
Your "Right to speech" or "Right to Write "doesn't give you right to break someone's whole theory of life.

A Myth Buster

Bhanumati Wife of Duryodhan
Her Name is taken from later Interpolations

Bhanumati or Wife of Duryodhan Was A Princess of Kaling

Duryodhan With help of Karna abducted her.

And Valandhara the Wife of Bheem was a Kashi Kumari

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And Valandhara the Wife of Bheem was a Kashi Kumari

And Valandhara the Wife of Bheem was a Kashi Kumari

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So there is no possibility of both being Sisters.

Now upcoming chapters
The Rightful Heir is on Devavrat
The Cursed Lord is on Dharm i.e. Vidur
Comment your Questions on them
The Answers will be replied on chapter not in Comments
Hey guys
How are you all?
Tomorrow is Ganga Dashera or
A festival celebrating the avatarana (descent) of the Ganges. It is believed that the holy river Ganges descended from heaven to earth on this day.

And Monday is Nirjala Ekadashi and Gayatri Jayanti
You can expect a Chapter on Monday.

With love to all,

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