Agnijaa- The Fire Born

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Agnija - The fire born
Ayonija -  not born of the womb
The Mahabharati - Draupadi

One of the Pious Panchkanya
Whose Name believed to dispel sin when recited.
Venerated as ideal women and chaste wife.

But Some stupid people who wrongly showed her Character to increase the views.
But they forget that Some day their deceit will be exposed openly.

Krishnaa Panchali
From birth till death
She faced many things
She was/is blamed, absused and disrespected.
She was betrayed, broken, humiliated in public.
But raised herself and clothed herself with self respect.

Many Misconceptions and allegations are blotted on this immensely iconic inspirational person.

Starting from her birth.

Adi Parva mentions that
Draupadi was Sachi.

Then in later parts of Mahabharat
There is mention of Story of Nalayani and Mudgal.
Where Nalayani after Mudgal leaves, starts penance of Mahadev
And got a boon of five Husbands.
Thus Nalayani was born as Draupadi.

Drupad was initially skeptial for her marriage with all five Pandav but Ved Vyas cleared his doubts.
So he accepted their marriage.

Swargarohan Parva states that she was Celestial Sri - Here Celestial Shri means, Sachi because Swarg laxmi is Sachi Not Shri Mahalakshmi Mata.

This was Written in All Translation of Mahabharat which I referred.

Coming to mentions of Purans
Well Purans are written Much later then classic epic like Ramayan and Mahabharat.
Purans like Skand Puran
Markandey Puran
Vayu puran
Narad Puran
Shri Bhagwat Puran
Contains information of Epics like Mahabharat and Ramayan.

As per Narada Puran and Vayu Puranas,
Draupadi was composite Avatar of Shyamala - Wife of Dharma
Bharati - Wife of Vayu
Sachi - Wife of Indra
Usha - Wife of Ashwini Kumars
And hence married their earthly counterparts in the form of the five Pandavas.

According to Skanda Purana all the Pandavas are Shivanshas, hence all PandavaPatnis have to be Gaurianshas.

Markandeya Puran validates the part by equating Draupadi with Sachi.

We have all these sources that tell about Draupadi’s previous birth but one thing was common in all these stories..that Draupadi was of divine origin. She incarnated with purpose.

Draupadi, One of the Protagonist in Mahabharat , is a symble of courage, symble of adjustments, and the lady which always tries to advice their husbands a right path.

Try to analyse the Situations of Draupadi.
You will find Somewhat Similar to yourself.
Start reading Authentic Versions of Books rather believing in Serials.


As promised here are the Answers Which you asked about Birth of Draupadi.
I have refered each and every article, text and translations to establish the facts related to her birth.

Any other questions about her you can comment here.
I'll answer.
If more queries arised then I'll continue it in next chapter.

Vote, Comment and Share to others because it's high time to clear the mess created by Tv Serials.

Till then stay tuned, stay happy

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