He rolled his eyes at the bitch before him.

"Oh really, did you enjoy yourself?" Whatever shock came from the abruptness of her remark, didn't show on Gulf.  He was trained to keep an emotionless mask.

"Yeah of course." she cockily confirmed.

"Oh good," he chuckled "I'm glad. Hope it's a good memory for you. Cause that's the last chance you are ever going to get." He deadpanned.

"Yeah right, you think he's gonna settle for you. I can get him anytime I like." She sneered.

"Oh shit, she thinks she's special." Muttered Zee to Saint.

Mew walked up to the table. unaware that his wife currently caught in the middle of a stare showdown with one of his former flings.

Gulf openly accepted Mew's embrace accepting a quick peck on the cheek, before resuming his conversation. "Hi honey, this chick says she slept with you."

Mew looked stunned and confused, taking a quick double-take at the girl who had the audacity to think or say something like that to hisWife. He gulped. It was no secret that he was a major playboy, however he wanted to give Gulf no reason to think he up to his former tricks. Mew tried to think quick of something to say to placate him. But was interrupted.

"It's alright honey. She says that she can get you again. Is she right?" The sweet voice tinged with politely terrifying sarcasm practically dripped from his mouth. Gulf kept a pleasant smile on his face, sweeping away a few tendrils of hair that fell onto Mews face. He trusted Mew, accepted that he was a well known 'bachelor' but he had to show this girl that he couldn't be shaken by such triviality.

"No! She can't, never again." Gulf was pleased with his answer, his face unchanged. the cool smile he wore practically sent shivers around the table.

"Really why is that?"

"Because I have you and only you. I don't need or want anyone else." Mew replied, not taken his eyes off his Bride.

Gulf watched the stunned expression etch its way into her face. He enjoyed seeing how her mouth agape.

Gulf put a finger under Mew's chin and pecked his lips. "Thank you honey."

Gulf loved the feeling of power, having the assurance that Mew was his. He may have preferred to be quiet but that didn't mean he did not know how to check a bitch. In the politest way ... of course.

He focused his attention back to the tarty figure. Giving her the once over, before speaking once again.

"Now that, that's cleared up. Don't come in front me again and try and pull something stupid like that. It only makes you look even more pathetic than you already are. So he slept with you, and you may have been a good time, well done. But that was the only time you will ever get, and you better thank your lucky stars you ever got that. cause he's levelled up quite considerably and married to me now. So, jog on." He blinked innocently. His eyes shinning with the underline message 'Don't test me bitch.'

Gathering whatever shred of dignity Gulf left her she found her feet. Huffed, and hastened towards the exist.

Gulfs eyes followed her as she left, once she turned the corner and disappeared, he relaxed and turned back to his Husband and friends.

"That was fun, I'm hungry." Gulf returned to his natural self acted as if nothing happened.

"What just happened?" asked Mew

"You don't have to worry about it 'P." Replied Gulf.

The others who sat at the table who were still getting to know Gulf were both impressed and speechless

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