Hurt: Maya Bishop

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I really enjoyed writing this thank you so much for the request! 

-Leanna K.

"The bedroom is clear!" Maya said through the coms, having checked under the bed and closet. The neighbors weren't sure if there was anyone in the house but since there weren't any cars in the driveway they were all hopeful.

"Downstairs is clear," Andy added. Giving the smokey room one last look she went to leave. Suddenly, as if in slow motion the ceiling began to cave, coming right down on her head and sending her crashing to the ground. "Maya?" There was no answer.

Vic and Andy rushed to the bedroom finding her face down and unconscious. They both kicked into high gear, lifting the rubble off of her.

"Maya?" Andy questioned. Nothing but dead silence. They carried her outside, letting the paramedics take her way. As much as they wanted to they couldn't all follow so only Andy rode with the ambulance. "Come on Maya, don't do this..." She mumbled. Even though she was stable now her eyes still remained closed. Along with Dr. Grey and Dr. Schmitt, Carina stood waiting for them when the ambulance doors opened.

"What happened?!" She asked Andy frantically as the paramedics gave the doctors Maya's vitals.

"A ceiling collapsed... she hasn't woken up..." There was no more time to talk as they followed as she rushed inside. Before Carina could rush into the trauma room Joe blocked her way.

"Let me go!" She shouted as her eyes began to water.

"You know I can't..." she said gently. "She'll be okay but you can't go in there." In the back of her head, Carina knew she was right but that didn't matter right now. Joe walked with her too somewhere she could wait quietly. Andy sat with her in silence as they waited for an update. Most of the team arrived soon after. The only sound was that of inpatient foot taping and the sipping of coffee. Through the window, Carina looked up to see Maya's mom opening the door quietly.

"Katherine..." Carina spoke quietly, standing to embrace her.

"Have you heard anything?..." She asked through tears.

"Not much, they took her into surgery but we haven't heard anything yet." Nodding solemnly she sat and Carina sat next to her. Everyone went back to their silence, till Dr. Grey and Shepherd walked in. All at once they all stood and waited for what she would say.

"The surgery went very well and she's stable if you'd like to see her." Everyone in the room breathed a collective sigh of relief. Carina and Katherine even embraced each other in happiness. Only the two of them went to see her, so as to not overwhelm her when she woke up. This came with a stressful waiting game, waiting to see if she'd wake up.

"You know she'll wake up," Katherine commented. "She's too stubborn not to." Carina chuckled slightly.

"I suppose you're right." Both of them held one of her hands and sat for what felt like hours. Eventually, Katherine went back to the apartment to get some sleep and get some food. There was a painful silence in the air that Carina wanted more than anything to be broken. "Please wake up..." Tears slowly slipped down her cheeks.

"I can't lose you," She grasped her hand tightly in hers. "I need you... please..." After a long while she fell asleep with her head on Maya's bedside.

"C-carina?..." Maya's eyes fluttered open, her hand moving in hers. Her head shot up and she was wide awake, tears forming in her eyes again but this time from happiness.

"I love you. I love you so so much!"

"I love you too. I'm okay, don't cry..." Maya's voice was groggy and tired.

"I'm just so happy, il mio amore." Leaning in, she kissed her gently. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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