Chapter 1. Encounter

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The city seems really busy today. There are so many cars on the road, I wonder where they are going that late at night. This fresh spring air blowing against my bare skin. How nice. This peacefulness comes in opposition to how madly everyone is driving. Our noisy streets aren't perfect to walk. That's why I prefer going from the small allays. They are also small shortcuts

But who cares about all these now. I need to go quickly to the bus stop before the bus leaves. Finally, after many days, I will be able to see my boyfriend, Seonghwa, that has been busy lately.

I don't blame him, I understand he has a lot of work in the office. But... Can't he find some time for me too? Only one hour in a day, not even more.... I am not asking for that much. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't like me anymore. But I will keep on trying to bring us closer.

Walking, walking... The bus stop seems to be really far while in reality, it is actually just one kilometer from my house. I guess all the corners and roads of this place makes it seem like ages to go there. And I said earlier it is a shortcut.... But actually, from the main road, it is four kilometers more.

It is nice to look around at all the small lights and stuff outside every houses door. Some of them empty, others with flowers that are in their blooming season and some impressive night flowers that show their beauty only at this very hour. How impressive. Small balconies and silence. What could possibly happen here? It is just an ideal place to walk-....

"Oh my God! I am sorry.... I am terribly sorry. Are you okay?"

Oh my. I can't believe I bumped into a guy on the street. How embarrassing. And I let everything fall on the ground. Ugh!

"I am really sorry. I should be more careful next time..."

"No, I apologise for what happened. I must be focused on my way and not look around. Here, let me help you with your stuff, miss.....(?)" he said, indirectly asking for my name while lowering his body to pick up my small bag and some of the things that fell out of it.

"Y/n. I am y/n. And yours?" I asked pretending to look somewhere else realizing he was looking me into my eyes, smiling, trying to make me feel calmer.

He was taller than me, dressed smartly, but he seemed to be really comfortable in those clothes which is really odd. His hair, dark brown, almost completely black. And his face, a fairly interesting one.

I felt like I had seen him before.

"My name is Baekhyun. May I ask what a lady such of yours is doing alone at night in such a place?" he said having already put everything back into my bag and giving it to me. That moment I couldn't really think much, but then I started getting red from embarrassment thinking that I left him pick up my stuff for me without even telling him I could do it instead.

"I... I have to go get the bus from the bus stop nearby" I said in a trembling voice

"Then let's go there together. So that you don't bump into an other random guy while in your way" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I guess so" I said while laughing feeling better and relaxed by his attitude.

He was really calming and kind. Surely he can be called a gentleman. He knew how to treat a woman, even if being a stranger to him. I haven't met anyone like him before.

We walked talking to each other about.... where I had my mind instead of being careful to where I was going and then we reached the bus stop. We waited there until I suddenly heard my phone ringing and took it out of my bag. My Seonghwa it said on the screen. I picked it up.

-Baekhyun's POV-

I tried to listen to her and understand who Seonghwa was. Call it curiousity, I wanted to know why she was out that late at night. She usually doesn't..... Nevermind. I tried to focus on her voice.

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