Excluded (Extra Scenes)

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Words: 748

Behind the Scenes of 'Excluded' (which is in my other book 'Mcyt Oneshots')

The plot has been changed for convenience, it is not accurate.


Dear Niki,

Hello again! I am so sorry I haven't written to you recently ever since Doomsday, as the L'manbergians call it. I had to find out if you were safe, and if you have put the potions to good use. I have heard that a certain L'manberg tree was burned down, a tree that was out of the blast zone... was that you? Because if it was, I am so proud of you. All of them were devastated!

Quick update about my current situation, I am now back at my arctic base, sitting by the campfire right as I am writing this letter. Coming back was quite a shock, I must say. Phil has gotten busy by building a whole other building, a bee farm and has also casually adopted Ranboo into our little commune. I am not sure if you know who Ranboo... If you don't, he is a tall enderman hybrid guy, a little awkward, but seems to be alright.

I would really love to meet you in person again. If that is not possible, we can still continue the letters as well (even though they are not as secretive).

Please contact me for further planning,



Niki smiled after she had finished reading the letter. She's glad that someone has noticed what she has done, and that her friend was back home safe and sound. Arranging a meetup time and point, she wrote a letter in return, giving the nicely sealed package to Phil's crow. If the crow comes back without a letter, it means that Techno has accepted her offer, and if it does come back with a letter, it usually means that he will be offering another time.

Continuing her sketch that she was working on before, she patiently waited for the crow but luckily she didn't have to wait long, when the crow came back without a letter, staring at Niki with beady eyes. She laughed under her breath as she fed the crow some bread, patting it as it cooed. Remembering that she has to arrive at her meetup point in about twenty minutes, she quickly dressed properly and headed out her door whistling.

(Time Skip)

"Techno!" "Niki" The two exclaimed when they saw each other. Quickly giving each other a side hug, they sat down on the grass which their backs against a tree. The sun was covered by clouds and there was also a light breeze, making the day perfect for outings. The two chatted about the usual things, which Techno full-on laughing when she described her tree-burning experience.

Four hours have passed quickly, and Techno knew he had to ask his question before it was too late.

"Hey Niki, Phil and I have been thinking about this thing for a long time. We were wondering if you would like to join us in the arctic commune? We would absolutely love you there and will help you move as soon as possible. We are kind of a group of anarchists that believe in equality so I really think you will be a great addition" Techno asked.

Niki was shocked. Not only was there a place that believed in justness but they would also want her to be there? She also knows that Techno wasn't lying, as she has noticed the jittering of his hands, showing that he was nervous. She has been feeling a little lonely living alone in a small house away from everyone else. It would be nice to wake up feeling safe with friends and being able to see them every day.

"Yes! I would love to! Thank you!" she exclaimed, laughing in joy.

Techno let out a sigh of relief and said "Oh great! I'm not going to lie, you were making me a little worried. So! When you want to move.... Does now work?"

"Yeah, now works"


The two then headed to her house and started to pack important items into backpacks that Techno has brought. They then took the nether portals as transportation, making the trip ten times deadlier but ten times quicker. Treading through the thick snow, they are welcomed by Phil with open arms and Ranboo awkwardly holding a confetti cannon. After the citizens of this community have helped her settle down in a spare room that Phil has made, she sat down on the comfy bed, smiling softly as she whispered:

"This was meant to be"

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