Christmas (All dsmp members)

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Have some wholesome Dream SMP bonding time that is PLATONIC.

Quick note: I have no idea where anyone lives so please bear with me. I didn't specify any locations but if it doesn't make sense for some reason, you now know why. The only thing I know is that Dream got cyber bullied by Techno for being homeless and built a dirt hut near Techno's house.

This is definitely unfinished and I have not proofread it yet. I'll probably finish it after Christmas but just wanted to post something :)


It was just past three o'clock in the morning when Niki decided to sneak into Eret's castle. A thin layer of snow was covering the wooden path beneath her, snow fluttering down from the dark sky. The whole server was quiet. All the lights were off and only the occasional groans from zombies were heard. A big contrast from the daytime. She sighed, watching a puff of mist escape her mouth from the cool air as she gazed up the looming walls of his castle. Hbomb was fast asleep, soft snores being heard from one of the many rooms of the empire. Niki hustled towards a small secret door on the side of a pillar and rummaged through her purse. Grabbing a pair of old rusting keys, she successfully unlocked the wooden door, now leading to a narrow stairway that spirals up to the second floor. Suddenly filled with adrenaline, she bounced up the stairs, skipping some steps, and reached the top within seconds and glancing down the hallway, she automatically started heading towards Eret's bedroom.

Reaching his bedroom, Niki took a deep breath and slammed the door open, hearing a loud bang when the door hit the wall. Eret immediately woke up from his slumber and panicked, making him fall off his bed with a thud. Rubbing his eyes, he groggily sat up, glaring at the intruder. His glare softened as he saw an apologetic Niki stand in the doorway, rubbing her arm. It's Niki. No one could get mad at her. Pushing himself up onto the bed, he invited her in, wanting an explanation.

"Niki... It's four in the morning! What do you need? Are you ok?" Eret questioned, knowing that she wouldn't do something like this unless it was absolutely necessary.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS ERET! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Niki whisper-yelled, trying to drag him out of bed, while he desperately clung on to the bed board. Processing what she said, he quickly sat up and widened his eyes.


After hastily getting ready, Eret led Niki to another room that was hidden near the back of the castle. Flipping through his keys that were bound together with a golden hoop, he inserted one into the keyhole and heard a satisfying click as the door unlocked. Screeching and croaking, the heavy door opened, revealing stacks of boxes filled with christmas trees, candy canes, ornaments, mistletoes... anything you could imagine. Niki's eyes brightened and she squealed. Dashing towards the decorations, she grabbed a handful of boxes, pushed past Eret and jumped down the stairs. Eret let out a low chuckle, grinning as he watched Niki trip over her feet while running around the server, adding a touch of Christmas to it.


Surprisingly, Niki and Eret weren't the only ones who were awake at the ungodly hour. Badboyhalo was also up, dancing around his kitchen while humming random Christmas songs. Surrounding him were stuffed turkeys, cut up vegetables, ham, sauce and delicious looking pies ready to be baked. Knowing that the other members of the SMP weren't as willing to put much effort in celebrating his favourite holiday, Bad took it apron himself to make it the best Christmas the server has ever had.

After a few hours, when the sun was barely starting to rise, he took everything out of the furnace and laid it on the table. He slumped down onto his couch and let out a sigh of relief. He thought that he wouldn't be able to finish all the meals in time for lunch with only one person but he somehow succeeded. Glancing out his window, he stared in amazement as he watched Niki and Eret run down the prime path, throwing garlands on anything possible. He quickly jumped off the couch and ran out the door, shocking the decorators. Grabbing a box full of ornaments in Eret's hand, he joined the two, now also acting like a Christmas lunatic.


It was now seven in the morning when Tubbo woke up. He did his morning daily routine and stepped out of his house, yawning. Opening his eyes, he stared at the now decorated L'manbug and his face lit up. Tubbo had promised himself that he would wake up early to decorate the server but slept through his alarm. He had thought that Christmas was a bust but was clearly wrong. Going through his communicator, he DM'ed Bad, asking him if he had prepared the food. Getting a quick response back, Tubbo ran to his desk and gathered all the handwritten lunch invitations he had made the night before, and sped to all the houses of the SMP members.

First, he went to Geoge's house. Lightly knocking on his door, he listened for any noise that came from the house, but nothing was heard. Assuming that he was asleep, Tubbo dropped off the invitation on his doorstep and continued on.

Dear _______,
I would like to formally invite you to the Dream SMP Christmas Party. It will occur at noon in the community area in New L'Manburg. Please bring your presents and put them under the tree when you arrive. I look forward to seeing you there!

Big thanks to Badboyhalo for preparing the food and Niki and Eret for decorating the server.


Moving from house to house, most people were asleep. The only people who greeted him in person were Philza, who was blasting Christmas songs, Ranboo, who was messily wrapping forgotten presents and Technoblade, who was secretly building a miniature wooden house as a gift for Dream. All of them were delighted, relieved that they were not killed on sight but instead invited to a party and promised that they would be there. Techno was especially excited, as he had never been to a proper Christmas party before, (probably because he is the most antisocial person ever).


It was nearing noon when people started to flock in the community area. It was now formatted differently, with tables lined up on the sides and a Christmas tree in the centre. There were already some members sat down, happily chatting with others. The Sleepy Bois were sitting with the Dream Team, while the other members were scattered around the tables. Everyone seemed to forget their past sins, grudges and hatred against the others and were laughing and giggling at each other's jokes. Tubbo was standing on a makeshift stage, slightly smiling at the scene before him, proud that he was able to get them to stop fighting and socialise.

Right when noon struck, Tubbo rang the bell that was behind him, trying to get everyone's attention. All but Tommy was silent. He somehow didn't realise the sudden quietness and continued talking about how he loves women until Techno elbowed him in the gut, causing him to shut up.

"Thank you! Thank you! So... Welcome all to the Dream SMP Christmas Party! As the president of L'Manburg, it is my duty to make all my citizens satisfied. So what's better than hosting a party! As you can see, there are some faces in the crowd that are legally not supposed to be here but today is an exception. I expect everyone to be welcome and positive during this celebration and most importantly... enjoy themselves! Now... without further ado, please applaud Badboyhalo for preparing all this food!"

On cue, Bad had came out of his house, holding trays and trays of food. Laying all of it out while everyone applauded, he took a seat next to Punz, who patted him on the back.

"Next, please applaud Niki and Eret for waking up at three in the morning just to decorate the entire server!"

Walking onto the mini stage, both of them took a quick bow and giggled, jumping off and heading towards two empty seats.


On that note, all members immediately began their feast, digging into the food in front of them. Loud chatters filled the air, with some people planning future collaborations, hangouts and agreements. The waves of food never ended. When the table have finished their portion, Bad served them another.

An hour had passed when everyone was stuffed to the brim and was sitting with their hands on their stomachs. Tommy suddenly burped, leading to a chain of 'ew's, laughs and 'nice's. Chuckling under his breath, Tubbo stood up, catching people's attention and said...

"Well! Let's get this party started!"

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