Pigstep (Sbi)

105 4 0

Short Oneshot
Family dynamic poggg
Word count: 484

This was based on my favourite sbi moment.

Quick reminder:
Phil - Dad
Techno - Twins with Wilbur (older by 2 minutes tho)
Wilbur - Salty other twin
Tommy - Child



It was a late Saturday afternoon when the sleepy bois were driving back to their shared wooden cottage. The four of them were all cramped in a car with their shoulders touching, reason being them all being six foot tall. Philza was steering, Technoblade was being the human GPS and was navigating, and Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit screeching at the back. A typical car journey. The only difference about this ride was the fact that dozens of stuffed animals were forcefully shoved in the trunk and next to the younger siblings. There were whales, pigs, discs, baby zombies... anything you can imagine. The family had decided to go to the arcade to celebrate the success of Wilbur's new hit song 'Your New Boyfriend'. One of the many newly added music discs was playing in the background, which the more mature boys at the front were humming and bopping to.

Since they lived in a small cottage on top of a snowy mountain, it was rather far away from the action packed town, meaning that it was a rare occurrence when the family went out, especially with all of them together. Phil had many errands to do, running a house of four, Techno had competitions and minor terrorisms to attend to, Wilbur had many contracts to sign and Tommy was... Tommy. Driving up a narrow pathway that was covered in blankets of unbroken white grainy snow, the four watched the joyful and bright town fade behind them. Now sitting in the gloomy dark, Tommy, being the energy packed child he is, started rummaging through their mountains of rewards. He stuck one hand in, squinting his eyes as he tried to navigate through the toys. Then suddenly...

"Ah ha! Found it! TECHNO! THE BLADEE! MA MAN! PUT IT IN!!"

Techno groaned as he slowly twisted his body to look at the younger, face full of annoyance. He gazed down at the item in the boy's hand and immediately softened and smirked. Quickly grabbing the object, he inserted it into the CD slot, hearing the introduction of the song start to play.

"ok ok ok... Techno you start the bass baps and um Wilbur can do the melody. I'll be amazing as always and do the rapping." Tommy exclaimed gleefully, bouncing up and down while clapping his hands. Philza glanced at the rear view mirror and softly smiled, glad to finally see his boys bonding. The rest of the ride was full of laughter and happiness, with the three boys jamming to their newly collected disc and Philza laughing in the background. This was truly the best day the four could ever have.

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