"SHOW ME YOUR BLOOD!" Muscular came charging again to force Izuku to slide under his legs and use 'Engine' to kick the back of his knee. This did next to nothing as the massive villain grabbed Izuku's calf and crushed the bone with a sickening crunch being heard.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Using 'Manifest', Izuku turned his free leg into that of a bulls to kick Muscular in the face and get as far away as he could. Looking down, Izuku could tell his ankle was shattered with the skin looking a sickening purple.

"Now that was a kick!" Muscular looked over with some blood dripping out of his mouth from where Izuku landed a hit. "I gotta admit boy, you're actually kinda fun to play with. Shame you gotta live." Once again, Izuku was charged at for him to try and think of what his next course of action was.

'If I move now, he might hit Kota. But if I take it head on, I don't think I'll be able to take it. Dammit! Sometimes I wish I was able to come up with stuff on the spot like Kaachan does.' In that moment, Izuku had a lightbulb come on in his brain. 'I GOT IT!'


"PACT MOVE: STUN GRENADE!" Izuku activated 'Explosion' to make a large flash of light to temporarily blind Muscular before bombarding him with explosion after explosion. As this happened, Izuku also activated 'Half Hot, Half Cold' to freeze Muscular in place by his feet. In a hope to end this, Izuku activated OFA at max, 'Wave Motion', both 'Hardening', 'Big Fist' and 'Explosion' to create a combination. "Pact move: Juggernaut CANNON!" He let loose on Muscular's face hearing his skull crack before being sent flying off of the cliff and down towards the trees. In a fit of pain and adrenaline, Izuku looked up to the skies and screamed with all his might. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

As he yelled, Kota watched in amazement as his new friend stood tall even with his injuries. He felt some happiness as he remembered Izuku's words of happiness finding him again. Tears ran down his face as Izuku stood against the man that killed his mom and dad. 'He....he beat him. Usagiyama did it.' After the screams stopped, Kota saw Izuku fall to the ground from pain. "Usagiyama!" Kota ran over to Izuku to see him try and make something to help his ankle with 'Creation'.

"I gotta get moving. NGH! My friends are in danger." After some immediate first aid, Izuku began walking around with a crutch moving as fast as he could with Kota following beside. "Muscular didn't hurt you, right?"

"N-no. But your leg."

"It's fine. I've got another."

"ONE THAT I'LL ENJOY RIPPING OFF!" Muscular jumped up from the ground below, flecks of charred flesh burned and cauterized revealing part of his skull around his eye socket. The two narrowly miss being stomped on. "I gotta say kid, that punch hurt like hell. Almost as much as that stupid pro hero group that made that fucking scar that made me lose my eye all those years ago-"

"SHUT UP AND STAY DOWN YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!" Izuku lunged mid monologue at Muscular, grabbing by the face and setting off the largest explosion he could manage with his hand flush to the villain's face. "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE, THOSE TWO PROS WERE PEOPLE THAT YOU KILLED! THEY HAD A LIFE! THEY HAD FRIENDS! THEY HAD FAMILY! WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TAKE THEM FROM THE PEOPLE THAT LOVED THEM!? KARMA'S A BITCH ISN'T IT!" Izuku felt his hands get grabbed with his wrists starting to crack under the pressure.

"You think I care?" The smoke cleared for muscle fibers to be seen around the villain's head bulging out. "I killed them because I felt like it. I killed the people I did because I wanted to use my quirk to its fullest. If people got hurt because of it, so what? It's their fault for being too weak." While this occurred, Muscular's skull started to reshape for some reason with the missing flesh going back to normal.

"How did you...how do you have-" Izuku was kneed in the gut and kicked away.

"You wanna know why I have a second quirk? That guy that wants you, he gave me this quirk thinking it would be easier to bring you in with it. Good thing too. That attack might've killed me." Izuku tried to get back up before having his shoulder stepped on by the villain. "I'll give you this much kid, you really were a pain in my ass tonight. So as a reward, why don't you just lay down like a good boy and wait till I kill the kid. You do that and we can make this all go a lot easier. Personally though, I'd rather keep beating on you." Trying to get up, Izuku tried to pull the foot off his shoulder before getting a kick to the face and nearly knocking him out. "Nighty night kid."

Izuku's vision began to blur as the image of Kota backing away in fear penetrated his line of sight. 'C'mon Izuku. Move.' The sound of Muscular laughing pierced his brain with his hands shaking from the fact he could barely stand. 'Move dammit!' As his mind could barely function, Izuku noticed a strange spark happen with OFA activating. A strange black aura came out of his wrist to attack Muscular. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The black tendrils wrapped around and kept Muscular in place with the villain looking back at Izuku.


Izuku jumped up into the sky with 'Wave Motion' before activating both 'Dragon' and 'Rabbit' along with OFA, both 'Hardening', 'Creation' to make a massive metal brace, and 'Explosion' to help 'Wave Motion' with downward momentum. "Ultimate Pact Move: Luna.....100%.....SMAAAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!" Izuku came barreling down at speeds that turned him into a blur with Muscular trying to block it with his fists.


"JUST SHUT UP AND STAY DOWN THIS TIME!!!" Muscular kept laughing confident he'd win as Izuku continued to barrel down with the ground beneath him breaking.

'He's putting everything into this attack. All I gotta do is stop this and he's done for. C'MON KID! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT LEFT IN THE TANK!' Suddenly, Muscular's muscle fibers begin to react differently on him, uncontrollably spasming and unable to react properly to what his brain is trying to control. "What the!?"

"You didn't lose to me today, Muscular." Izuku's body seemed to be producing electricity with it being apparent he was activating 'Electrification'. "You lost to my friends and their power! NOW FALL AND NEVER COME BACK UP!" The force of Izuku's attack finally came through and hit the villain over the head. A massive shockwave happened for Kota to almost be blown back by the wind given as well as the wind pressure being sent through the forest, blowing out fires set as well as the strange smoke that covered the area. The dust covered the two before a single figure stood tall. Izuku stood on two broken legs with a broken arm raised in the air shaking in pain. Kota ran as fast as he could to see the young teenager stand barely conscious with a smile on his face with Muscular so embedded in the stone that there was no way he was getting up after he regained consciousness. "Kota....get....the....tea....chers...." Izuku fell back in pain with Kota shaking seeing Izuku in the state he was in and nodding.

"Usagiyama....USAGIYAMA!" Scared he might've died, Kota held his ear to Izuku's heart to hear it still beating as his chest expanded sharply to indicate he was breathing. "I-I'm gonna get help! Just stay alive!" Kota ran as fast as he could towards the camp with Izuku finding himself now alone. Or at least, he thought he was.

"I must admit Izuku Usagiyama, that was quite a show you displayed. I'm Impressed." A strange voice out of what sounded like a visor came from a black portal that had opened up. "It seems Muscular has done his part. Now, I think it's time I take you with me."

Even in a weakened state, Izuku could tell from the presence the unknown man was giving off to tell who it was exactly. "All....For....One...." Izuku passed out unable to do anything with the villain being the last thing he'd see before being trapped in darkness.

"Rest easy now boy, for I have big plans with you when the time comes. Do not worry about your friend either. No harm will come to him." The metallic sounding voice was addressing Kota who was unable to see what was happening as All for One vanished from whence he came, now holding Izuku's unconscious body in his arms.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happened after Izuku defeated Muscular with the fight being giving important support that the students need. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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