My hero

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My eyes hurt from crying so much,tinky took me away from the one person that I truly loved. Then... a knock on my window... it was Harry. I opened it still shocked at what I was seeing. "Nice house," he joked, I'm not gonna lie that kind of offended me but I guess he's never seen anything like this hill before. "Harry, what are you doing here, tinky will see you," I whispered.  "Shut up, po, I'm trying to save you," he responded.

He opened the window and pulled me out "be careful," he said as I jumped down. He took my hand and we ran down the hill. "PO!!!" I heard tinky shout from behind us. "Oh no he's seen us!" Harry said worried.

Tinky caught up to us with dipsy behind him. "Tinky, let them go," dipsy said "can't you see that they're in love."
I looked at Harry and smiled. "I'm sorry," said tinky "you need to live your life, I can't protect you forever." I started to tear up "thank you tinky winky tubby," Harry replied before we walked away back to LA, back home.

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