"Why isn't he, it doing something?" Barry asks while correcting himself.

"We did a brain scan, involuntarily motive functions are acting else" Dr Wells replies.

"We think it's acting as a receiver" Cisco adds.

"The clones aren't in show without Black, shut down the real Black and you might shut them all down" Caitlin explains.

"How do we know which one is the real Danton Black?" Barry questions.

"That occurred to me given your own passing out, Black has limits just like you, controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength so look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue" I answer to Barry while he looks at me in a goofy way again.

"Just a theory, but one you may want to put to the test, Mr Allen" Dr Wells chimes in.

"Plus I whipped up these high calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up" Cisco smiles, the clone moves and it moves towards me and I immediately start screaming, but he gets shot by Detective West thank god. Caitlin and I are holding onto each other for dear life but pull away quickly.

"Any more of them?" He asks us.

"Nope" Caitlin replies quickly.

"Why did it start moving?" Barry asks.

"The prime, it's on the move, this one heard the summon battle" Dr Wells replies.

"I know where he was summoned to, Stagg Industries" Joe answers.

"You should call it in" Barry immediately says.

"Police can't fight this, what's Black become, like Mardon beyond me. Maybe beyond them too, the only person that's not beyond is you, you gotta do this, and I get it. So for once in your life do what I tell you to do, go stop him" Barry smiles and walks off to go put his suit on.

Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Dr Wells and I were surrounded by the computer, I was in the middle mostly since I was at the computer first but everyone just swarmed the computer like they were bees, I was scared for my life what would happen to Barry, Black can make clones of himself and I hope that Barry can find the prime.

It was dead silence no one spoke a word because we were waiting for Barry to speak and give us an update on what's going on.

"Remember Barry find the prime" I speak up into the earpiece.

"There's too many of them to fight" He replies, I look at Cisco and Caitlin and we all look at each other with worry.

"Barry you need to isolate the prime" Dr Wells reminds him.

"I can't, it's impossible" He sighs.

"Nothing's impossible. Barry, you taught me that" Joe says into the microphone.

I could hear everyone breathing because it was so quiet, just the sound of us breathing "Barry? Barry are you alright?" Joe asks.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. It's done"

My face broke out into a smile knowing that Barry was okay, I glanced at Caitlin and she gave me a nod that it was okay and we're going to be okay. Barry arrived shortly and he told us that Danton Black died even if he tried to save him. We were watching the TV which had a news report about Danton Black how he died.

"I tried to save him" Barry says.

"Doesn't sound like he didn't want to be saved. Some people when they break, they can't be put together again" Dr Wells replies.

"Some people heal even stronger" Barry argues.

"I hope so" I feel Cisco and Caitlin glance at me at the corner of my eye, which I ignore.

"Well at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else" Cisco says while he is proud of finding another name for Danton Black.

"You're proud of finding another name aren't you?" I asked, while patting his shoulder.

"Yep definitely" Cisco smiles which sends Caitlin and I in giggles.

"I might be in the suit doing all the running, but when I'm out there helping people making a difference, you're all out there with me" Barry eyes followed all of us.. "Finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightening" We smile at him and next thing I know he's out the door in a flash. I just stand there looking at an empty doorway while thinking of a certain Barry Allen.

What did he mean when he said I can't do it for you?

OMG I updated, I'm back from the dead bc I updated.

SO this chapter was the last one of the The Fastest Man Alive and then I'm onto the 3rd episode which I'm excited to do! Because I've got some Larry or WinterAllen or Baura (you guys pick the ship name) action which involves him saving her from the Mist haha.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote and leave a comment on what you thought about this chapter. Give me motivation to update my other books bc I want to but lazy as hell.

Vote, Comment and Enjoy!

~ ciscoed

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