04. Multiplex

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Apparently Barry went after a shooting with 3 gunmen and got his ass handed to him, so now I'm tending to his wounds since I'm now his personal physician, well because Caitlin volunteered me to do it, thanks Caitlin.

I was cleaning his cuts with alcohol after Barry got beat pretty badly "Sorry, the abrasions are already rapidly healing" God this guy damaged Barry pretty good. I noticed Barry was staring at me while I'm cleaning his cuts.

"You're staring" I state.

"No, just admiring the beauty" He replies which makes me blush.

"Yeah I got my ass handed to me" Barry replies.

"You got blood on my suit" Cisco states.

"We have bigger things to worry about" I roll my eyes.

"I think some of it belongs to him" Barry replies "Another not so friendly metahuman" He adds angrily. I finish cleaning his cuts and Dr Wells loads a photo on the screen of a man named Danton Black.

"Danton Black, a bio genesis, specializing in therapeutic cloning, he replaced failing organs with improved ones" Dr Wells replies.

"Apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him" Caitlin explains.

Barry stands up "I saw Black recreate duplicates from his body" He states.

"That's pretty ironic, the guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself" Cisco replies.

"Are all metahumans going to want revenge?" I asked. Cisco nods at me and I nod back.

"If he was experimenting on his own body when he was exposed to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion" Dr Wells ignores my question.

"Meet Captain Clone!" We all look at Cisco and he looks at us "You're right I can come up with something better" Cisco says.

Barry starts to leave which I don't know why "Where are you going?" I ask.

"Joe's right, I'm in way over my head, I'm fast but I'm no warrior man. I could barely fight one metahuman, let alone six" Barry turns around and leaves but I decide to run after him.

"You can't just give up" I call out to him as he rounds the corner to leave, he stops and I walk closer to him.

"I have to, I can't fight this metahuman, and he clones himself! I can't be a hero especially for you" I snap my head to him, after he says that. "This was a mistake" He speeds off, which I drop my head down. Barry Allen you are one crazy boy.

Caitlin had the idea on how Black duplicates so she decided to run some tests and eventually made one so she wanted me to call Barry to tell him even if he wasn't on the team anymore.

He answered "Look I told you I'm through" He starts.

"I know but you need to get to Star Labs right now!" I say urgently which will send him here hopefully. I see a flash and Barry appears in front of Black.

"Barry it's okay" Caitlin tries to calm him down.

"It's not okay! Black is just standing there, that's not him is it?" We all shake our heads.

"It's one of his replicates" Dr Wells replies.

"So how'd you get him?" Barry asks.

"I grew him" She smiles "I isolated a blood sample of Black's blood from your suit and saw if I could recreate in virto process and learn how Black multiplies. So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel and it replicated to that" She motions to Black's clone.

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