Keep It Hush - r.b

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"Say it."


The Great Hall was buzzing with obnoxious chatters of students and clatters of plates and kitchen utensils. Everyone was loudly conversing, as they ate dinner.

Y/N Ellans, a specific Slytherin sat on their house table. She doesn't talk much, but she's pretty witty. She has this unwavering aura around her, but she's well known for her beauty. Being born in a strict pure blood family, and taught proper manners gave Y/N the impression that keeping your pose stoic and speaking up your opinions if only necessary, is better off.

She sat across Evan Rosier and Regulus Black. In her right is her best friend, Nova Bulstrode and in her left is Avery Mulciber. Right, just the pureblood Slytherins she should be around.

Y/N reached for a grape but her hand met with another. She lifted her head and saw Regulus also going for the same grape.

Regulus cleared his throat, and pushed the bowl of grapes towards her.

"Here.." he said firmly and Y/N nodded.

She took a grape and ate it, whilst looking away. In order to hide the blush on her cheeks. Especially when she caught Regulus winking at her at the corner of her eyes. But it was barely noticeable for the others. Slytherins are rather expert in masking their true feelings.

Truth to be told, no one knew about it. Y/N and Regulus' relationship had never grown to anyone's suspicion. Well, maybe his brother, Sirius does but none barely listens to his opinion.

Sirius said Regulus and Y/N was in a secret relationship. Everyone calls him crazy for it.

But it was true, wasn't it? They were, in fact, dating secretly.

Y/N Ellans and Regulus Black is dating and they've kept it secret for a rather long time. Their relationship had started at the first term of sixth year, and no one even notice.

Well, to be exact, they were kinda slick at it.

If they were to hang out in the common room, they would make sure no one was around before they cuddle on the couch beside the fireplace. The boys wasn't allowed on the girls dormitory, but it didn't work vise versa. So often times, they would be on Regulus dorm.

But, of course, when Regulus' dorm mates weren't around.

"What are your plans for the future, Y/N?" Avery suddenly asked, smirking as he rested his elbow on the table looking at her.

Y/N raised her eyebrow, whilst placing her fork delicately down, but not replying to his eye contact.

"What do you mean by that?" she drawled, and the smirk Avery sport already gave everyone the idea on what he meant by those words.

"Oh, you know... A part of the pureblood tradition is making marital arrangements before graduation." Avery spoke nonchalantly, "I was just wondering is you're up to be arranged in marriage with me." he said with a smirk.

Nova spluttered on her drink, Evan snickered, Y/N kept a stoic expression, and Regulus balled his fist under the table as his jaw tightened. But no one seems to notice the quick change of the dark haired boy's demeanor, everyone was too focused on Y/N's reaction.

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