Always and Forever

Start from the beginning

Nat cup your face

N- What are you doing ?

They look at your hand and you open it, there are 3 rings.

Wanda looks up suddenly at you confused as you still look at the rings.

Y/n- Okay

You sigh

Y/n- So, I can't say it's a marriage proposal because technically we can't but... I had asked my father to take me to the jeweler to buy rings on day... he took me there and he asked me why.

They start to have tears in their eyes as you continue to speak observing the 3 rings, simple, gray, with a small diamond on them

Y/n- I told him it was for the love of my life. It was at the very beginning of our relationship, He saw that I had bought 3 rings, and not 2, that's when I understood that he already knew when I told him that I loved two women...

Wanda puts her hand under yours which is stretched out in front of them

W- Are you not sure that you are not asking us to marry ?

Y/n- Technically I am but-

They don't let you end your sentence that they hug you.

You laugh lightly and you close your hand so as not to drop them

N- My god i was so hesitant to do it

W- I didn't have the courage

They pull back and Wanda looks at you confused

W- But- why now ?

Y/n- To show you that even if the world crumbles around me I will never leave you, never, I will always love you

You tell them by putting your index finger under their chin.

You take the first ring, you take Wanda's hand and you put the ring around her ring finger.

Y/n- Always-

You take Nat's hand and do the same

Y/n- -And forever

You put the ring around your ring finger

You end up kissing Wanda who lets out tears while caressing her cheek and then you kiss Nat softly while stroking her hand

N- I will always love you

W- Me too, like you just said, Always and Forever.

The three of you end up hugging.

3 hours later

You have decided to go for a coffee at the bar a little far from the tower.

W- It's cool here

N- Yes, have you been here before ? I never did

W- Nope

Y/n- I did, I used to come here when I was in high school, there is a small alley...

You point your finger at a dark alley in a well hidden corner.

Y/n- Where I kissed all the girls that I seduced in high school

N- Seduced ? Wow you were successful !

W- Indeed, the first time I kissed was a girl who was madly in love with me, she kissed me by surprise in the high school bathroom. She left crying when i pushed her away.

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