Chapter 21 || Boo You Whore

Start from the beginning

Nodding my head in satisfaction of my appearance, I walk out of my room and over to Blake's. I knock on the door and after a few moments and ruffling from his side of the door, Blake answers - Shirtless. I swear he is always shirtless at home.

"H-hey," I smile, studying his abs before quickly averting my gaze to his slightly amused face. He knows, dammit. "Um, I was wondering if you could take me to Chris' party. Elle can't make it and I don't have anyone to take me there," I fiddle with my hands nervously and glance up in anticipation.

"Sure," he answers simply.

"Aw damn that's too bad," I sigh, turning on my heels and retreating to my room, "I really wanted to go to that party but that's okay I under-" I halt in my steps after his answer registers in my head and I turn to him in surprise, "Wait... Did you just..?"

He rolls his eyes, "I'll be ready in ten minutes."

"Oh. Okay. Awesome!" I chirp, and he smiles back - Another one of those genuine smiles that I love.

"On one condition..."

"Oh no. Here it is..." I groan.

"You can not hang out with Reece," he declares smugly and I look at him confusedly. What?

"You do realise I'm not that desperate to go to this party," I inform him, "I'm happy to skip it if that means not avoiding Reece. I like him and I'm not just going to stop spending time with him as per your request."

Why did he want me to avoid Reece in the first place? Did he not like me hanging out with his friends?

"Well then why don't you fucking marry the guy if he's so perfect?" he snaps.

I don't even wince at Blake's harsh tone, which surprises me because usually this behaviour scares me. I guess I'm just feeling more and more comfortable around him and less intimidated. I roll my eyes at his ridiculously absurd response. Reece and I had barely hung out, "Don't be such a child."

Blake's face contorts with annoyance and he frowns at me, "I don't even care if I take you there or not. I might take the girl I met at the beach today, so the choice is up to you. Her or you."

I eye him for a moment and he eyes me back, the both of us studying one another. As much as it hurt to find that Blake might be going to the party with another girl, I couldn't let him see that. It was none of my business and nor should I even be upset with the fact that he likes another girl.

Ah, but I like Blake, I really do.

"Like I said, I don't need to go to this party," I reply with a small half-hearted laugh.

Blake blows out his cheeks as he sighs audibly, "Fine," he groans. "I'll go with you, for fuck's sake, alright? I'll be ready in 10 minutes. We'll leave then, little miss sunshine."

"Okay!" I chirp happily, ignoring his annoyed expression at my response. He may hate it when I'm happy, but I just can't help it.

▲ ▲ ▲

We arrive at the party not too long after we leave. Chris greets us warmly at the door when he notices us and goes on to tell Blake that I'm an excellent maths tutor. He still hasn't quite caught onto the fact that I'm tutoring him history not maths, but oh well. He's a nice guy.

As soon as Chris leaves, Blake turns to me, "I fucking hate that guy."

"Chris is awesome!"

"He's a stoner."

"That doesn't mean he's a bad person, and don't pretend you've never had the weed before."

"Had the weed?" Blake repeats my words in disbelief like I said something wrong.

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