Interview With XxBelovedxX

Start from the beginning

>2. Are any of those books completed? And if so, which ones?

>Sadly, no.

>3. Would you or have you ever put a book on hold indefinitely?

>I don’t know depending on the circumstances but I haven’t.

>4. Which of your book is/was your favorite to write, which do you update most often, which is the easiest to write for you and which do you dislike the most? (and why?)

>I actually love both my stories. I don’t update often since problems since to pop up at the moment. The easiest to write has been Unexpected Life.

>5. How long does it usually take you to write a complete chapter, editing included if you do edit?

> It depends on what am I trying to portrait but two weeks or three. I like my chapters to be long.

>6. If you could recommend one of your books for someone to read, completed or in progress, which would it be?

> I would say Hidden Reasons since my other book has only been uploaded the prologue.

>7. What's your favorite part of a book to write?

> I love to right the emotions of what the character is passing through. I actually love to portrait each of their feelings wanting the readers to feel what they are feeling.

>8. What is your least favorite part to write?

>The suicide scene in Hidden Reasons.

>9. Is there a book (possibly not even posted on an eBook site) that you are embarrassed to have even THOUGHT about writing?

>Yes, I have and it is in my Ipad.

>10. How many other eBook/Writing websites do you use to post your stories and which ones are they?

>These is my first actually.


10 Questions About What You Think of Wattpad!

>1. What was the first thought in your mind when you found this eBook-ing website?

>I actually was looking for an app that contained a good source of reading and Wattpad pooped in. I actually was curios and since that moment I loved it.

>2. After first starting Wattpad, how easy was it for you to figure out how to use it?

>It was rather easy. Yes, I had my questions but I went to the newcomers and they showed me around.

>3. If you could change one thing about Wattpad or the Wattpad App, what would it be?

>Actually, nothing. I love it how it is and I think it is what we authors and readers like.

>4. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

>I love how you can divide the books into different genres and that everything is perfectly organized.

>5. Whose your favorite author on here, and what's your favorite book written by them?

> I would say…Eyes Open by niteowll43

>6. How many fans is the perfect number for you?

> I honestly think that, I don’t care because I might have little fans but each of them help me and support me in any way.

>7. What do you think should be done to make less-popular authors on here, more popular?

> I think Wattpad should advertise more the not popular stories than the popular ones.

>8. What's your favorite genre of book to read on here?

> I may sound too much of a girl but romance.

>9. What 'Undiscovered Gem' on Wattpad do you recommend most for reading (yours or someone elses)?

> I read once this book called A Strange Love. I liked the whole concept of the book that she has a plan nobody knows but I didn’t finish it reading since it contained too much curses.

>10. And over all, what would you rate Wattpad (on a score of 1-10) and if you’ve used any other eBook-ing websites, how do they compare?

>I would rate it a ten, I love how it works and I don’t regret ever coming here.


10 Rather Random Questions!

>1. What’s the one thing you can't possibly live without?

>I couldn’t live without my friends and family. They are absolutely everything to me, without them I don’t know what I would have done. They actually have saved my life in a various couple of times.

>2. Would you prefer to have Birds or Fish as pets?

>Fishes because they don’t make noises but they always ended up dead in the first two days.

>3. Can you unjumble this word: beolcltathe

>Oh my, I couldn’t and I sense it is going to be something I know.

[Huh... apparently I didn't write this one down so I cannot for the life of me remember what it is.  So I had to use google and now I remember and it was Tableclothe]

>4. What's your biggest regret thus far in your life?

>That I thought life was a fairytale. That I thought bad people could be change and to let my heart be hurt so many times that I bury the feelings. The worst is that when they come back you have to re-bury them.

>5. What do your friends describe you as?

>The thoughtful, kind, funny, friendly good-two shoes.

>6. Fill in the blank: I want to punch___________?

>My real father for personal reasons. He has made my life a lie and he made me hate the thought of breathing.

>7. What's your favorite symbol that you can make on the keyboard?

>hahaha I love this one: O.o its just so funny!!

>8. Do you enjoy storms or sunny weather more?

>Actually where I live I have both sunny and rainy so I will say both. The sun when we go to the beach and the rain because my friends and I just go to the rain and have fun dancing under it.

>9. What is your favorite word?

> Oki doki.

>10. Favorite candy bar?

>I love the Dove chocolate filled with caramel.

Interview With The Author [Book Two: Completed]Where stories live. Discover now