twenty three

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I look up from my desk and see Ginny standing there.

"We got rid of the book," Ginny tells me.

"Thank you," I tell her. "Where is it?"

"We hid it in the room of requirement," Ginny tells me.

I smile. "I knew you were the smartest Weasley."

"There's something else," Ginny says.

I look at her curiously. "What is it?"

"While we were hiding the book I kind of... I mean we... I kissed Harry," Ginny tells me.

"Details please," I tell her.

"We were hiding the book and I just kissed him," Ginny tells me.

I chuckle. "Thank Merlin, one of you finally realised nothing was going to happen unless one of you stepped up." Ginny smiles. "Wait till Ron finds out."

"You can't tell him. Not yet anyway," Ginny tells me.

"I won't," I assure. "But don't wait forever."

I sit in the Astronomy tower smoking a cigarette. Suddenly the sky starts to grow dark. Not like before a storm though. Instead it's the darkness caused by the Dark Mark. I stand up and smash my cigarette under my boot. I've got to find Maddie. This isn't going to be good.

Suddenly Harry and Dumbledore are in the tower. Having apparated from I have no idea where. Dumbledore struggles to stand.

I rush over to them "What the bloody hell happened?" I question. "Where have you been?"

"We need to get you to the hospital wing, sir to Madam Pomfrey," Harry tells Dumbledore.

"No... Severus, Severus is who I need. Wake him. Tell him what happened. Speak to no one else. Severus, Harry," Dumbledore tells us. Harry starts to leave. He stops when we hear someone coming up the stairs. "Hide yourselves below. Don't speak or be seen by anybody without my permission. Whatever happens, it's imperative you stay below. Please, do as I say. Trust me. Trust me," Dumbledore tells us. Harry and I listen and hide. I see Draco walking towards Dumbledore. "Good evening, Draco. What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here? I heard you talking," Draco states.

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Have you always been to yourself, Draco? Draco, you are no assassin," Dumbledore tells him.

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you," Draco confesses.

"Oh, like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one lace with poison. Forgive me, Draco, I cannot help feel these actions are so weak that your... heart can't really have been in," Dumbledore reasons.

"He trusts me. I was chosen," Draco states.

"I shall make it easy for you," Dumbledore says.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouts.

I can hear Dumbledore's wand hit the floor and I can see Draco pointing his wand. Then I hear a door open.

"Very good. Very good. You're not alone. There are others. How?" Dumbledore asks.

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it," Draco explains.

"Let me guess, it has a sister," Dumbledore states.

"A twin. In Borgin and Burkes. They form a passage," Draco informs him.

"Ingenious. Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you," Dumbledore pleads.

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