Time For the Journey to Begin!

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Lily's POV

I wish I had thought this through. When I ran away from home, I was hoping to find a teacher or at least someone who could help me.

But I don't know the first place to look. I sighed hopelessly. Regardless, I can't give up. I have to master this ability in taming Grimm. Once I've done that, then I'll go home.

After I ran off, the Grimm followed me and I've asked them to split up and let me know if they find Cinder.

The reason for this is because I want revenge. I want to avenge Shadow and Pyrrha. About a month after I ran off, I learned I could understand Grimm's speech.

That's how I was able to hear Shadow say my name. I wish I could've understood him sooner.

For the time being, I need to find a town, get a map, and maybe ask around for a teacher. Easier said than done of course.

I walked along the path in front of me until I came across a small village. I entered a building in random and saw shelves stacked with books.

"A bookstore, huh? What could I find in here?" I murmured to myself. I browsed around for a bit until I found myself near the back of the store.

Back there, most of the shelves were empty except for one book in particular. It was a big, black book, and it was covered in dust.

I picked it up and blew the dust off the cover. To my surprise, there was no title and no author. "See something you like?" The librarian asked me.

"Maybe. How come this book doesn't have a title? Or an author?" I asked them. "Hmm... Not sure. Most of these books are old, so I'm guessing it got smudged off or something." They assumed.

I took a look inside the book and saw that there information written about Grimm, including Grimm I haven't encountered.

"Whoa..." I mumbled in awe. "Whoever wrote this must've known what they were doing."

"You can say that again. Looks to me they were a Huntsman and wanted to know everything they could about Grimm." The librarian guessed.

Wish I knew who the author was. Maybe they could help me. I thought.

"Huntsmen and Huntresses are still doing everything they can to restore Beacon to its former glory," The television announced.

I turned my attention to the TV as reporters spoke about the whereabouts of Beacon.

"Furthermore, we were recently given an anonymous tip about the person who may have been responsible for the fall of Beacon. In this footage here, you can see a young girl riding one of the creatures of Grimm as well as commanding them."

I think my heart stopped when I heard that. There was a video of me riding the Griffon before taking off into the sky.

Where did they get that video, and who was filming it? "Crap." I mumbled.

"That girl has to be a Faunus. How else could she be able to do that?" A random citizen said. Another citizen spoke, sharing their opinion.

"For someone to do that is just awful."

"I think the police should find her and lock her up so she doesn't do this to another school."

I lowered my head, feeling guilty again. "If anyone has any information or the whereabouts of this girl, please contact the authorities." The reporter said.

"Poor kid... She probably didn't know what she was doing. There's no reason she should be locked up for it. Just look how young she is." The librarian said as the video replayed.

"Yeah..." I agreed, mumbling. I pull my hood over my eyes a bit to hide some of my identity. "U-Um, anyway! Can I buy this book?"

"If you want it, take it. It's yours."

"You're giving it to me for free?"

"Yep. With the dust it's been collecting, I don't think there needs to be a price for it."

"Really? Thank you so much! Oh, do you also have a map?"

"That I do. Right this way,"

The librarian led me to the front of the store and handed me a map. "Here you are. Where you heading, if you don't mind me asking?" They asked.

"Well, I'm not sure yet. I'm just traveling for the moment. Which is why I need a map so I know where I'm going."

"Fair enough. Will that be all?"

"Yep, I think that's it. Thanks again."

"Take care."

I left the store and took a look at the map. "Okay, let's see... I have no idea what I'm looking at," I sighed.

"I need to find a teacher, but I don't know the first place to look. Or I could teach myself for a bit. Try to see what I can do, yeah? Mm... Nope. Stick with finding a teacher."

I put the map in my face after tucking the book away, and headed forward. 

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