The clone has his throat torn  out by Fenrir and they all manage to exit

DAENERYS, JORAH, and KOVARRO exit followed closely by Fenrir.

DAENERYS TARGARYEN peers through a boarded entryway. SER JORAH MORMONT approaches.

JORAH: Careful, Khaleesi. Xaro owns this city and the warlocks have a thousand eyes watching for you. I found one. A ship with a good captain. She leaves for Astapor tomorrow

JORAH: We cannot stay here.

DAENERYS: They have my dragons. A mother does not flee without her children and for of the fact they have Y/N I will not abandon him

JORAH: They're not your children. I know they call you the Mother of Dragons and I know you love them, but you didn't grow them in your womb. They didn't suckle at your breast. They are dragons, Khaleesi. And if we stay in Qarth, we'll die and Y/N would through down his life to protect you and view him as a son but if we go I can not lose you both

DAENERYS: You should sail to Astapor. I'm sure you'll be safe there.

JORAH: You know I would die for you. I will never abandon you. I'm sworn to protect you, to serve.

DAENERYS: Then serve me. If my dragons are in the House of the Undying, then take me there.

JORAH: That's what the warlock wants. He told you so himself. If you enter that place, you will never leave again. His magic is strong.

DAENERYS: And what of my magic? You saw me step into the fire. You watched the witch burn. What did the flames do to me? Do you remember?

JORAH: Until my last breath, I will remember. After I have forgotten my mother's face.

DAENERYS touches JORAH's face.

DAENERYS: They are my children. And they are the only children I will ever have. Take me to them.

JORAH: (nods)

Jorah: and I found a captain willing to take Y/N back to westors.

Outside house of the undying

DAENERYS TARGARYEN, SER JORAH MORMONT, and KOVARRO walk through a garden. It is known.

KOVARRO: (in Dothraki) A house of ghosts, Khaleesi.

They come to the base of the House of the Undying.

KOVARRO: Where are the guards?

JORAH: No guards. The warlocks kill with sorcery, not steel.

DAENERYS: Let them try.

They ascend the first flight of stairs, and gaze up to the top of the tower. They cannot find an entrance.

DAENERYS: Is this a riddle?

They circle the base. DAENERYS disappears from JORAH's view. He encounters KOVARRO instead.

JORAH: Khaleesi! Khaleesi!

 inside the house of the undying

DAENERYS stands in darkness. She picks up a torch from the wall.

DAENERYS: Are you trying to frighten me with magic tricks? You want me? Here I am. Are you afraid of a little girl?

A dragon screeches. DAENERYS follows the sound up a stairwell.


DAENERYS continues to search for her dragons. She follows the sound of their screeching through a door. She looks down into a pit before trying a door on the opposite side of the chamber. She goes through and the wind whistles. The large chamber has a broken roof, and snow falls. She sets down her torch, and ascends to a stage with a throne. Dragons screech again, and she does not touch the snowy throne. She walks toward the noises, and a large portal door opens before her. She exits, finding herself in a land of snow and ice. She sees a lone tent in the distance. She walks to it.

She walks though another door  and see what appears to be and older version of Y/N stark and see him holding a small child and another sitting on the bed drawing and looks around to see massive bed chamber with a much larger Fenrir sleeping on the bed and she is notice by the older Y/N Stark.

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